Chapter 87

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Chapter 87 is dedicated to Dusky-Girl

Thank you for your support ❤

Micah and Ashton were still missing from school today. I sighed as I remembered the condition they were both in. Kevin gave me a worried look as he chewed on his burger.

“Are you getting enough sleep, Liz?” Melissa asked as she observed the bags appearing under my eyes.

“I guess.”

I did get sleep, but usually around two a.m. What Ashton’s dad had said to me kept repeating in my mind over and over again.

But then again, you know that you can make everything better.”

I usually ended up studying until I could fall asleep.

I sighed and Callie clapped her hands together. “Why don’t we go visit Ashton?”

Kevin frowned dubiously. “I’m not sure that’s a great idea.”

“Come on, I want to see the Royal Realm too,” she begged. "Aren't we allowed?"

Kevin considered this for a while. “If you're with me, then it should be fine... But we'll need permission from the royal family first. If that's approved, I’ll take you along with Liz.”

Melissa and Callie grinned. After school Kevin’s car led the way as Melissa and Callie’s followed. They were completely enchanted by the Royal Realm, the same way I'd been.

We had to stop while the girls were interrogated, searched and scanned by security and then granted permission from the queen. Kevin drove until he came to the secret parking lot. Melissa and Callie got out of their cars excitedly, gazing at the splendor of the palace in awe.

As soon as we stepped into the house, Kevin froze. He inhaled deeply and then frowned.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him as he sent a confused glance Callie’s way.

“This scent,” he muttered, then shook his head. “I must be confused with someone else.”

“Scent?” we asked curiously.

He stared upstairs and seemed to become even more bothered with each passing second.

We proceeded up the stairs slowly behind Kevin, whose body was tense. When we arrived near the king’s office door, he looked even more confused and glanced back at Callie.

“Kev, you’re being weird,” Callie protested.

Confusion played in his eyes as the door opened and then realization hit him. Callie let out a strangled gasp from her spot beside me and Melissa and I gawked speechlessly.

A million thoughts were running through my mind as a guy with brown hair stepped out of the office. He was much taller and his face had gotten a lot more angular. But his russet brown eyes stared at us as his lips parted in surprise. There was no mistaking him.


Callie wheezed beside me and I wrapped my arm around her waist as she sank to the floor in disbelief.

Daniel’s eyes focused on Callie and suddenly he moved closer to her as a light growl escaped his throat.

Before he could get over to her, Kevin grabbed him. “What the hell are you doing here?!” he shouted in anger and confusion.

My breath caught in my throat and seemed to stay there as Callie looked like she was about to have a panic attack.

The king came out of the office upon hearing Kevin’s shouts.

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