Chapter 53

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Chapter 53 is dedicated to TanishaPayal

Thank you for your support ❤

It was gorgeous. There was a majestic, gigantic water fountain in the middle of the garden and there were well groomed shrubs and trees decorated with what looked like tiny fairy lights.

"It's beautiful!" I gasped in awe.

"Not as beautiful as you are," he said softly.

"You're such a flirt," I laughed and he smiled.

We walked along the garden path, talking about random things. Ashton plucked one of the roses from the bush and offered it to me. I raised an eyebrow. He could be a gentleman when he wanted to be.

I took the rose and our fingers brushed for a moment. I smiled at the sensation. Ashton boldly took my hand and laced his fingers with mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked shyly.

"Holding my soulmate's hand."

"Your soulmate?" I teased

"Who else's soulmate?" he replied nonchalantly.

"Hmm... let me think," I said, tapping the rose against my chin in pretend thought.

Ashton whirled around to face me. "Don't think about it," he said, staring into my eyes.

"Are you trying to hypnotize me or something?" I joked, letting go of his hand and leaning against a tree.

I slipped my feet out of my heels. That felt so much better.

"You're my soulmate alone," he said coming closer to me and trying to hold my hand again, but I wasn't going to let it be so easy.

I balled my hand into a fist so that he couldn't intertwine our fingers.

"I'm only your soulmate if you can catch me," I teased, gently pushing him back with my free hand.

Ashton smirked. "Really?"

I stared up into his midnight blue eyes and then grinned. I broke away from him in a run across the garden. The wind played with my hair and carried the echo of Ashton's laugh to me.

I glanced back. He was just walking towards me with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. I guess I could slow down a little bit. Running definitely wasn't my strong suit.

I heard footsteps behind me and glanced around in amazement. How did he catch up to me so fast? Then again, he was an Origen. I tried to pick up the pace, but Ashton was behind me in a few seconds. His arms circled around my waist, lifting me up and spinning me around as I screamed and giggled.

"You could have at least let me win," I pouted as he put me down.

"I gave you a head start," he pointed out, pulling me closer to him. "I'm only your soulmate if I catch you?" he chuckled. "Bold aren't we."

I smiled innocently.

"You're my soulmate," he repeated, pulling me even closer to him until there was no space between us.

"Ashton," I gasped in surprise as he placed a kiss on my cheek.

"You're mine," his voice was deep, almost like a growl. The sound sent shivers through my body.

He placed a kiss on my other cheek.

"Only mine."

With this, his lips found mine in a passionate kiss. My will to leave his arms crumbled into dust and I cherished the feeling of his soft lips eagerly searching mine. He pulled me closer to his body, deepening the kiss and hungrily devouring my lips. The taste, the feeling, everything was perfect.

The Prince's Soulmate | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora