Chapter 125

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Chapter 125 is dedicated to Sumi-chi

Thank you for your support ❤

After another half hour had painstakingly dragged by, one of the doctors came into the room. He approached me and Micah and wiped the sweat from his brows.

"You are Armani's brother?" he asked.


"I would like to speak with you alone."

"I'll be outside," I said to Micah, but he shook his head.

"Please stay with me."

The doctor sighed wearily. "The surgery on your brother can be considered a success. However," he continued quickly as we breathed sighs of relief, "His injuries are great. His body isn't able to heal fast enough to keep up. He's also lost a large amount of blood. We don't know if he'll make it through the night."

Micah stared at him and I could see the questions and fears in his eyes. His chest rose and fell as his breath came out in rapid bursts. "But he will right?"

"He has a thirteen percent chance of survival. We did all that we could do. If he makes it 'till tomorrow, he'll have a higher chance of survival." He sighed and shook his head. "He's lucky they found him in time. If it had been any later he would have been gone."

"Can I see him?" Micah asked softly. His moist eyes mirrored the sadness and hope in his heart.

"He hasn't regained consciousness as yet. It might take some time."

Micah stared down at the floor in despair.

"Thank you," I whispered to the doctor who nodded ruefully and disappeared down the corridor.

"Armani," Micah mourned as he brushed the tears from his eyes.

The corners of his mouth were uncharacteristically down turned. I had never seen him look so sad. I sighed and hoped against hope that Armani would be okay. A thirteen percent chance was slim, but it was better than nothing.

Kevin kept his distance at the other side of the room, because every time he came too close Micah became uneasy.

Jackson came in and whispered something to him. He narrowed his eyes and stalked out with a frown. Jackson took his place on the other side of the room and typed out something on his phone. He glanced up at me and gave me a tight smile.

I chewed on my thumb nail anxiously.
Another hour passed. It was almost eight p.m when the doctor returned. He offered us a small smile.

"He's awake. That's sooner than we thought. He's strong and determined. He really wants to see you."

Micah let out a shaky sigh and stood up. I got up to walk him to the room. We followed behind the doctor who led the way to the room that Armani was recovering in. His limp body covered in blood had replayed in my mind countless times tonight. We sanitized our hands and stepped into the room.

Armani's body was covered in gauze and plaster and he had an oxygen mask on. Various IV bags were lined up against his bed, providing him with blood and other fluids.

His eyes fluttered open as Micah and I stepped in. Micah wheezed forlornly as he went over to Armani's bed. I maintained my distance at the door and smiled at him.

I was so worried about him. I felt relieved that he had regained consciousness so quickly, but I still felt a bit uneasy. The dimmed light cast an ominous shadow on his face.

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