Chapter 36: The Worry I feel

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I stare at her with shock. I didn't know what to think; we couldn't deal with this right now. I was more than thrilled about us having a kid, but at a time like this? I sigh, pulling her close. "Shhh, hey, it's okay, we'll get through this; I promise you with all my heart we will end this war before we could even find out their gender, okay? If we have to start the war ourselves, then we will, but now is not the time to worry too much about it, okay? I want you to go home with some guards and worry about yourself. I don't want you worrying about the war anymore. If not for me, then for the baby. Okay?" Hailey started crying her eyes out but nods. She knew that I had stated I was happy but scared at the same time through my words. It seemed to reassure her as she calmed down.

"Can I stay here? I want to be with you." I sit there for a minute before nodding slowly.  I sat down in my chair Hailey joining me, I grabbed some other files I had put to the side, but I knew I should do them now. I went through all the pack's finances and checked to ensure we weren't in debt or low on anything. Once I finished scanning all the numbers, I grabbed another file that caught my eye. Opening the file, I realized this was the warrior file. I skimmed through it, seeing just how many people chose to join and help with this war.

     I knew Chris and Sarah wouldn't be gone for too long. If anything, they should be back by tomorrow, but it didn't help the worry I felt. While we had more than a thousand warriors, we still knew that the rogues had an advantage with the wolfsbane and silver. Our best bet was to get more help from our allies. If I'm correct, we know there are about nine hundred or so rogues in that group, but that's just what we could count. I looked down at Hailey to notice that she fell asleep. I smiled at her, knowing that she was just a stressed as I was.

         I pulled her closer, trying to finish all the paperwork I could so I could spend some time with her before we trained. I look at the clock to see it was now two pm. I sighed, looking at the other piles of paperwork on my desk. I knew I had to go through them all as they were more about finance and problems happening within the pack. I grab the top pile and start to read through it all, hoping I could get half of this done before six as I could do the rest tomorrow. I look over to see Alec still sleeping, wondering how he and Hailey could be sleeping so much. Then I remembered that one night I saw him out in the training field after everyone was dismissed. He spends all night training and helping with border control. I sigh, knowing it was working himself extra for all of this. I finish half the paperwork and look up to see the time say it was five.

I frowned, knowing I had to get there early to set everything up, meaning I couldn't spend time with Hailey as I had planned. I quietly pick Hailey up, bringing her to our bedroom and setting her down on our bed before leaving back into my office. I woke up Alec, knowing he would want to come with me, and made my way to the training field. I set everything up as I did yesterday, but I moved some things around due to my notes. Once I had everything ready, everyone had already shown up. I showed everyone the new course and attack plan; this time, the knives were laced with wolfsbane, and we continued to work as we did last yesterday. It took about five hours for everyone to be able to gain the advantage after being hit. Once everyone was able to gain control multiple times, I called it a night once more.

This time, my speech for the night was filled with more determination and belief that we could and would win this war for our pack and the future pack members that will be joining us soon. I knew that now was not the time to worry but to become fully prepared for the days ahead. With that, we called it a night; what was once worry and fear was now determination and hope. We were going to win this war.

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