Chapter 22:The Future Luna

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It's been a few months and after Sarah's birthday, she and Chris started to hang out more after what happened. I could tell Sarah is still skeptical about them being mates but I can tell in her eyes she already fell for his charms. 

I walk downstairs with Hailey not too far behind me to see Chris and Sarah making out in the kitchen. I make sure Hailey can't see and I scream out, "Gross guys get a room will ya?" Sarah backs away quickly, obviously embarrassed, and I hear Chris growl at me. 

I walk over to the counter and start making breakfast for the four of us. After I finish I set it on the table and Chris and Sarah quickly start to eat and I notice Hailey just staring at her food.

 I sit beside her and pick up her fork and put it up to her mouth. She looks up at me confused, "Oh, sorry I was just thinking." I nod and she starts to eat and I do the same. 

Once we finish eating I clean the dishes and Hailey and I go back to our room. She sits on the bed and I shut the door turning around to face her. "So, what were you thinking about?" Hailey looks up at me and shrugs. I sit down beside her with a sigh and pull her close. "Well, it's just that I've been with you for a few months now and I know you aren't beta yet and we just turned eighteen but I think I'm ready." I stare at her in shock. 

She has lived with me for the past months now but we promised not to start to mating process until we were sure we were ready. 

Even though it was hard, I controlled myself and made sure that we didn't do anything she wasn't ready for. I push her down on the bed and stare at her a little longer, "Are you sure?" She nods and I quickly claim what is mine. 


We lay in bed for a bit as I think about what just happened. I feel complete, I feel that my whole world is new and that I will never be the same again. I stared at my mate as she is sleeping in my arms. I smile holding her closer knowing I couldn't stand to lose her. 

I get up to take a shower, making sure not to wake Hailey, and get dressed. I walk downstairs to see Chris and I notice that he is nervous. I walk over to him and pat him on the back, "Hey dude you okay?" Chris nods and then stares at me with nervousness clear in his eyes. "I want to propose to Sarah." I stare at him with wide eyes and smile. "Really that's great! How long have you been thinking about this?"

 I said as I wait eagerly for his answer. "I've been planning it for the past month really, I want to marry her before I become alpha and I want her Luna ceremony to be the same day." I nod and quickly drag him into an empty room, "Well what are we waiting for? We have a proposal date to prepare for."

Chris smiles and nods as we start to plan on how the night will go down. After planning I tell Hailey the plan she goes and gets Sarah to go shopping but not to make it obvious on why they were she told her we were going on a date and that she wanted to buy a dress. 

Once Sarah and Hailey were gone, Chris and I went to work on finding a ring. When we walk in I hear Chris gulp as he stares at all of the rings in the room. I pat his shoulder as we look around.  

After a few minutes, Chris walks back over to me showing me a gold ring, with a diamond designed like the moon. I smile at it and nod knowing she would love it.

 I text Hailey asking her about it before we buy it and once she approves we walk to the counter. After paying we go to the mall and fit Chris for a tuxedo since he wanted this night to be really special. 

After the fitting, we go to a fancy restaurant and reserve a table for Friday night. Chris said something about how he wanted to propose on a full moon since it would make the ring have more meaning. I agreed and once everything was set I texted Hailey.

'How's it going?'

'Good, luckily Sarah likes to buy dresses so picking a dress for her for the date isn't too hard.'

'Yeah that's Sarah for you' 

'Well I'm going to get back to showing her dresses'

'Okay, be sure to buy you one too'

'Okay I will'

I put up my phone and we drive home. Chris is pacing my room as he talks about how the night should go. Then an idea hits me and I quickly grab Chris's arm and I take him through the woods. After a six-minute walk, we get to the clearing. 

It wasn't like all the stories where it has a pretty waterfall or all the pretty flowers. It was more of a huge clearing with nothing but a circle of trees around it. Chris stares at me confused until I point up. All the stars glow brightly in the sky as we stare at them. 

I smile at Chris then say, "Here you can take her to propose, You can set up a little towel spot here and you guys can stare at the stars for a bit, trust me this is the best spot to see the stars." Chris nods excitedly as he walks around the clearing staring up at the night sky. "Thank you so much, Daniel, I know Sarah will love this, dang even her ceiling has the night sky on it!" I laugh remembering how we were painting it.

 I do slightly remember Chris coming in staring with wide eyes once it was finished. Even on that night Sarah gladly told Chris how we painted it and that night was the night all three of us really got along. I look at Chris as he's smiling brightly. 

I chuckle and pat his shoulder. "We should get going, the girls will be back soon." Chris nods and we quickly make our way back to the packhouse. 

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