Chapter 12: The Plan

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I wake up in my bed and everything rushes over me and I feel like crying. What can we do now that we don't have help? I walk downstairs and see everyone sitting at the table quietly eating their breakfast. I sit beside my dad not having the appetite to eat. He notices this and frowns picking me up, "Hey little man I'm going to drop you and your friends off at the neighboring pack as the war starts tomorrow" I look at him and my eyes water up. No I can't lose my dad...I quickly jump down and rush towards my room. What will happen to the pack? We stand no chance against them. What if I lose my dad... I start to cry my memories flashing through my head. The hell I was in, the alpha bringing me here, me realizing that life will get better. I cry for what feels like hours and my dad walks in a pain in his eye as he sees me upset. He walks over and holds me close, "Shh, It's okay....I'll be'll be fine.." I start to calm down but I could tell by his voice that he was trying to reassure himself more than me. I hold on tight to him as I know this might be the last time I see him. We get into the car and I don't talk the whole way to my friends house as my dad picks up as many kids he can. We arrive at the neighboring pack and the alpha smiles down at us telling us to follow him. I look back at my dad one last time as I follow the alpha. He brings us to the pack house and tells us to choose which ever room we want. I was curious on why we got to choose our rooms but I realize that this was the alpha's personal home. I choose the smallest room, as I'm still accustomed to being in a small place. I sit on the bed looking around wondering how long I have to stay here. I lay down on the bed sighing wanting to be home again with the others.

                                             Cody's Point of View: 

I drop off the kids looking at my son one last time feeling a pain in my stomach. I walk back to the pack and the others look at me with concern, "Hey man are you okay?" Charlie says, I sigh and nod and continue through the pack house making sure everything is secure. I am willing to win this war, even if it kills me, for my son, "Why did you tell him it was tomorrow?" Oliver says as he helps me lock up the windows, "I didn't want to worry him more than I have too." Oliver nods slowly and walks away. I hear the alpha call for us and I know it's time. We walk outside and the other pack is standing in front of us. The alpha clearly knows we aren't a strong pack so he only brought few of his numbers. I stand there prepared to fight, with one thing on my mind. My son. We charge at them taking them down one by one but still we were out numbered and we were losing men quickly. One of the wolves go to pounce on me but then a blue blur attacks him. It was the queen, they came to help even though she said she couldn't, I would question how she found our pack but she has a map of every pack on it and what they are called. I smile as I notice the other pack losing and the alpha calls out for them to retreat. I fall to my side, knowing we won and I can see my son soon. 

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