chapter 2

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Emma arrived at the hospital and headed for the elevator, she hit the button to go to floor 4 which Is where Dr. Shah worked. she got off the elevator and she turned and saw Dr. Shah talking to a nurse. she waited until they were done talking to approach him."Dr. Shah my name is Emma magnum and I'm a private investigator and I was wondering if you had a minute to talk. "wait did you say magnum as in Thomas magnum?" asked Dr. Shah in shocked. "yes Thomas magnum was my father and I believe you knew my mother Juliet Higgins?" questioned Emma. "yeah come on lets talk over here" said Dr. Shah pointing to the chairs in the waiting room. "what is this all about?" asked Dr. Shah. "I'm trying to find out what happened to my dad, he's been missing for 17 years and according to the statement you gave to the police you said that my dad came in with a small gash on his head and that you treated him but there's nothing on his medical records to show he came in?" questioned Emma.

Ethan thought a moment "yeah because your dad didn't come here, he came to my house with a gunshot wound to his shoulder and he made me take the bullet out and stitch him up. he made me promise not to tell anyone, he said it was a matter of life and death" said Dr. Shah. "He was running from someone,do you know whom was chasing after him?" asked Emma. "no he didn't, but he seemed very nervous and paranoid" replied Dr. Shah. "How so?" asked Emma. "He made sure all the doors and windows were locked, he would jump at the littlest sounds and he kept saying I have to protect Emma and Juliet over and over again" said Dr. Shah. "wait he said he had to protect me and my mom? from who?" asked Emma. "I don't know." replied Dr. Shah. "ok that's all the questions I have thank you for your time Dr. Shah" said Emma. "No problem, I hope you find the answers your looking for" replied Dr. Shah. "Thank you" replied Emma as she walked to the elevator. she stood there in the elevator wondering whom her dad was running from and why he needed to protect her and her mother.

Emma got off the elevator and walked over to her car, Now she had to go talk to Rick and see if he knew where to find Jin. she knew most likely Rick would be at his bar la Mariana, so that's where she needed to head next. she thought about calling JC and Brandon but decide to wait until she talked to Jin. she arrived at la Mariana and headed for the door when she was stopped by TC. "Emma what are you doing here?" asked TC. "I need to talk to uncle Rick" replied Emma. "About what?" Questioned TC. "a current case I'm working" replied Emma. "what case would that be? "probed TC. "um nothing in particularly" said Emma nervously. "Your trying to solve your dads case aren't you? Emma, Rick and I have told you everything we know" Said TC. "ok fine yes I'm working my dads case but I'm not here to ask him what he knows, I wanna ask him where I can find Jin" replied Emma. "Jin? why?" asked TC. "He was one of the last people to see my Dad alive" revealed Emma. "Ok come on lets go find rick" replied TC.

Emma followed TC into La Mariana where they quickly find rick behind the bar surviving drinks. "Hey Rick Emma needs to talk to you" yelled TC. "Ok hold on I'm coming" said Rick as he waved for one of his employees to take over. Emma, Rick and TC sat at a table in an area away from other people so they couldn't talk privately but it being late afternoon it wasn't very crowded. "Emma what do you need to talk to me about" asked Rick. "Um do you know where I can find Jin."asked Emma. "why do you need to find Jin." questioned Rick. she Looked at TC and he nodded at her to tell Rick. "He was one of the last people to see y dad before he disappeared" replied Emma nervously playing with the gold colored locket around her neck her dad had given her when she was a baby. "Emma I don't think I should tell you, your mom will kill me if she knows that I know your working your dads case again and that I helped you." replied rick. "Uncle rick please, I have to help my dad, I know he alive" said Emma. "Emma how do you know he is still alive?" asked TC. "never mind forget I said anything." said Emma. "Emma why do you think your dad is still alive?" asked Rick again this time with a more serious tone in his voice. "Fine a couple of weeks ago I saw him." said Emma. "what do you mean you saw him?" asked TC. "I was with JC and Brandon at Kamekona's food truck and I saw him" said Emma. "Emma are you sure?." asked Rick. "yes" yelled Emma. "Did you see what he was doing?" Asked Rick. "He was alone and it looked like he was delivering some sort of package to someone, I tried to follow him but I lost him." replied Emma almost in tears. "Why didn't you tell us or tell Katsumoto?" questioned TC. "Because I didn't think anyone would believe me" cried Emma.

TC and Rick look at each other and then back at Emma. "Emma are you sure you didn't just imagine it?" asked TC. "You don't believe me of course you don't, You think I'm crazy don't you?,I'm not I know what I saw and I saw my dad Thomas Sullivan magnum!" Screamed Emma as tears streamed down her face. she got up from the table and ran out of La Mariana Rick and TC quickly following behind. "Emma wait" yelled TC. "were sorry, we don't think your crazy. Emma we know how much you wish you had gotten to meet your dad so maybe you just saw what you wanted to see" Said TC. "Emma says nothing which lowkey terrified TC. "Rick call Higgins and tell her what's going on." requested TC. "I hate you,I hate both of you" Said Emma as she got into her Ferrari. "Emma where are you going?" asked TC. "anywhere to get away from both of you. I hate you, I hate both of you" screamed Emma as she drove off. she didn't know where she was going but anywhere was better then here.

ok hope you enjoyed this chapter. where do you think Emma is going and do you think she really saw magnum?

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