chapter 11(last chapter)

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                                1 year later
  Emma stood by her dads side as she watched her mom walk down the isle in her beautiful white wedding dress with white flowers on the bottom of it. As She looked up at her dad,she could see tears forming in his eyes. "We are gather here to day to once again to join Thomas magnum and Juliet Higgins in holy matrimony. "Do you Thomas magnum take Juliet Higgins to be your lawfully wedded wife to have and to hold,in sickness and in health,good and bad and many broken down red Ferrari's for as long as you both shall live?asked jin. "I do."replied magnum. "Do you Juliet Higgins take Thomas magnum to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold,in sickness and in health,good and bad and many broken down red Ferrari's for as long as you both shall live?asked jin. "i do" replied Higgins.
"By the power invested in me by a 15 minute test on the internet i now pronounced you mr and mrs magnum." Finished Jin. Magnum and Higgins stare  at each-other. "Dad this is the part where you kiss mom."said Emma. "Right."replied magnum as he pressed his lips against Higgins.
                 At the wedding reception
  "Robbin sends his congratulations and his apologies for not being able to come but he did send this." Said Kumu as she handed magnum a rectangular package. Magnum,Higgins and Emma opened it and inside contained a first edition copy of Robin masters new book the white nights savior. "Emma i pretty sure this is for you." Said magnum. Emma flipped thought it. "Cool my code name is the savior,I'm going to be so popular at school then i already am because now that the whole world knows my dad is the white night." Replied Emma. Magnum laughs. Magnum was about to make a huge announcement,something he had been thinking about for the last year.
Magnum tapped his glass to get everyone's attention.
"Can i have everyone one's attention. So first i want to say 18 years ago i though i would never come home but i was wrong because my beautiful daughter brought me home,because like in robin masters book,Emma is my savior. If not for her determination and bravery i would have never come home. The only thing that kept me going was the hope that one day i would return home to my beautiful wife and daughter. I have decided to not return to being a PI because I want to spend as much time with my wife and daughter as possible that being said I was going to wait until after Emma graduation next month but after a long discussion with Juliet I have decide to give my PI business to Emma." finished Magnum. "What? Dad are you sure?"Questioned Emma. "Yes Emma if you want it." smiled Magnum. "Yes. yes, of course yes but I get the Ferrari." said Emma. "will see about the Ferrari." answered Magnum. "No its mine you lost your Ferrari privilege's when you disappeared." replied Emma. "One I didn't disappear I was kidnapped." replied Magnum feeling very hurt. "ok both of you we will talk about this later." yelled Higgins. "Honestly you too are so similar you could be the same person, its honestly frustrating, one Thomas magnum is plenty I don't need two." said Higgins. "Fine well talk about it later." replied Emma.

A few days later.

Emma and Magnum finally agreed on sharing the Ferrari. she got the Ferrari when she was working a case and magnum got it when she didn't. speaking of Emma had just gotten her first pi case after taking over he dads business. "Be safe." Said magnum as he hugged his daughter goodbye. "I will I promise." smiled Emma as she hugged her mom. Emma got in the Ferrari and drive off.

Emma's voice over: My name is Emma, Emma magnum I'm the daughter of Thomas magnum and Juliet Higgins. this last year has been insane I solved my very first PI case, saved my dad and almost died and now im about to graduate from high school and I cant wait to help more people just like my dad because what can I say I am the white knights savior.

already hope you enjoyed this last chapter.

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