chapter 5

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Emma sat on the beach behind robins nest it was about 11 am. it was always so beautiful out there. she was rereading her dads journal entries again hoping she missed something. she needed to find out who hired him but the problem was the only records her dad had were gone and she had no clues as to who this client could be and she still had no idea where Jin was. "hey Emma" said Brandon as he and JC sat down next to her. "Did you find something" asked JC curiously. "I did so I talked to Dr. Shah and he said my dad never came to the hospital but to his house with a gunshot wound to his shoulder which he treated. he also said my dad kept saying I have to protect Emma and Juliet over and over again." said Emma. "from whom." questioned Brandon. "he didn't know but here's where things get weirder I found my dads journal in the guest house and theses entries are from the last few days before he disappeared. he said that he was hired to find proof of a cheating spouse but he was lied to he gets more paranoid and scared with each entire, he states that he feels like he's being watched." said Emma. "Does he say anything about the case he was working?" questioned Brandon. "no." replied Emma. "did my dad tell you where Jin was" asked Brandon. "No and I told them about how I saw my dad that day when we went to Kamekona's food truck and him and TC basically said I was crazy" replied Emma.

They all sat there in silence for a moment. "I'm so sorry Emma, I'll talk to my dad" said Brandon. "Thanks." Replied Emma. "There's one more thing my dad stated in his journal that he hide everything he had on the case he was working right before he vanished in a safe location but he didn't say were or give any clues so I don't know where else to look." said Emma as she read thought the journal again and that's when she noticed something. "wait guys look at this entry from  may 5th 2024"my dad said he set up a meeting with his client to discuss his finding about the case but his client never showed." said Emma. "I don't get it?" said JC confused. "The day my dad disappeared he told my mom he was going to meet with his client about the case but this entry is from the day before." explained Emma. "so he lied" said JC. "if your dad wasn't meeting up with a client then where was he going?" questioned Brandon. "that's what I need to figure out" stated Jordan.

flashback the day before magnum went missing

Magnum swerved in and out of traffic trying to get away from the black SUV following him. he had gone to meet with his client but the client never showed, so that's when he knew he had been set up. he was trying to get to HPD to get the evidence he had to katsumoto but he knew he wouldn't get there, so plan B was to hide the evidence somewhere safe so he could come back for it later but the question was where but first he had to lose the black SUV. he made a couple of crazy turns and then lost the black van but he didn't dare stop just in case. He kept driving a few tears falling down his checks wondering if his time with his Juliet and Emma was running out.

end of flashbacks

ruff, ruff, ruff went Zeus and Apollo as they started barking and growling while staring at the wooded area. "what is lads." asked Emma as she walked over to them. she walked further into the woods but didn't see anyone. she looked down to see a envelope with her name on it. she picked it up and walked out of the woods. she walked over to her friends silently not saying a word as she sat back down on the beach. she opened the envelope and inside contained letter addressed to her. she looked over at JC and Brandon as she began to read the letter.

Dear Emma

I will tell you everything you want to know meet me at 358 Honolulu drive tonight at 7:00pm come alone

love dad

"its a message from my dad he wants me to meet him so he can tell me everything" said Emma

"Emma tell me your not considering this, this could be a trap." questioned JC.

"what if its not and actually my dad" said Emma.

Brandon looked at JC and then at Emma. "fine if your going to do this I'm coming with you, I'm not letting you go alone" Informed Brandon. "No the message said come alone so I'm going alone" said Emma. "if you don't let me, I will go and tell your mom right now." said Brandon. "No you wont." yelled Emma. "watch me." yelled back Brandon as he got up and started back towards robins nest. "Emma grabbed her bag and headed for the Ferrari. she knew she couldn't stop Brandon but she could at least be gone by the time Brandon got back with her mother. she got in the Ferrari and drove off less then a minute later Higgins had come running outside with Brandon. "Emma's gone crazy." said JC.. "What's going on." asked Higgins. "Emma was telling us what she had discovered about uncle magnums disappearance and then all the sudden Zeus and Apollo started barking and growling at someone or something in the woods and then Emma walked over to them and walked into the woods and when she came out she had a envelope and in the envelope was a message for her to meet uncle magnum. we tried to tell her this could be a trap but she wouldn't listen" Said Brandon. "Did she say where?" questioned Higgins. "no" answered JC. "I'm going to track her phone" said Higgins. "aunt Higgins that going to be a problem, Emma didn't take her phone" Said JC as she handed it to Higgins. "ok call your dads tell them they need to get here now, I'm going to call katsumoto" said Higgins as she dialed his number.

hope you enjoyed this chapter the next one will be up in the next few days

magnum pi: the white knights savior (rewrite)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن