chapter 6

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Katsumoto, Rick ,TC, shammy, Higgins, JC and Brandon were all gathered in the living room of the main house. katsumoto had put out a bolo for Emma and the Ferrari but it had been two hours and there had still been no signs of Emma. "what if she's right and magnum is still alive" questioned Higgins. "if he is we'll find him but first lets focus on finding Emma." said Katsumoto. "Ring, Ring" went katsumoto phone. he walked out of the room for a moment and came back in. "an officer found her and when he went to confront her she ran and got away, I'm going to head back to HPD to help with the search ." said Katsumoto as he got up to leave. "I'm going to go search for Emma in my helicopter shammy, Rick you guys coming" asked TC. "I'm going stay here with Higgins." replied Rick. "I'll come said shammy. "ok, Higgins we'll call you if we find her" said TC as him and shammy left.

3 hours later

Emma arrived at the place where she was supposed to meet her dad but there was nothing for miles and miles. she parked the Ferrari a few blocks away because in truth she knew the message wasn't from her dad because it wasn't his hand writing but she wanted to know who wrote the note so she placed listening devices in the surrounding trees and was going to listen though her laptop. she hid behind a tree on the other side of the street so she could see who came. she waited for a few minutes and that's when she saw a car pull up and two men walk out. "I told you that stupid note wouldn't work." said Mystery man number 1. "we'll get the girl one way or another." replied mystery man number two. "we better because Mr. smith is already furious with us for letting Thomas magnum get away." Replied Mystery man number 1."What about that Jin guy?" questioned mystery man number 2. "for now we have two other men doing surveillance, Mr. smith will let us know when to grab him" replied mystery man number 1 the men then walked back to there car and left. she waited till the men left and then grabbed the listening devices she had planted and then headed back towards the Ferrari, she knew now that she would be vigilante because now the people that were after her dad, were now coming after her. she got into the Ferrari and started to type out a email.

"mom don't worry about me I'm fine, I'm not stupid I know it was a trap, but I had to know who sent the letter don't worry I hide and they didn't see me but I heard them say that dad is still alive and that he escaped who ever was holding him captive. I'll be home soon but I need to talk to someone first. don't worry about me I'll be fine, there's a lot you don't know about me, I'm more like you then you think. I love you mom.

Emma then started to hack HPD arrested records to get all of Jin's information she had to find him before theses people got to him first. she found his phone number and began tracking it, he was currently at Kamekona's food truck which was about 15 minutes from where she was so she started heading that way. she had to get to him, he may be the only one who could tell her where her dad was. she arrived to see Jin sitting at a table. she got out of the Ferrari and headed over to him. "Jin my name is... "started Emma before getting cut off. "Emma?" asked Jin. "how do you know my name?" questioned Emma. " you wont remember this but we've meet before but you were just a baby and your dad told me that you would probably try and find me." explained Jin. "Jin your endanger, the people who are coming after my dad are coming after you and there watching you." said Emma. "Oh I know your dad told me." said Emma. "you...never mind, where is my dad?" asked Emma. "I don't know he gave me a burner phone that he contacts me from." explains Jin. "call him set up a meeting I want to see him." begged Emma. "I cant he contacts me and he tries to keep you safe from the people who are after him." said Jin. "To late now there already coming after me." said Emma. "I cant contact him, he contacts me." said Jin. "Please just tell me what you know." begged Emma. "Fine your dad came to me a few weeks ago and asked me to meet him here, he gave me a box, told me to hide it somewhere for him, he said it was full of evidence he collected against the people who are after him but he did tell me anything else." said Jin. "do you still have this box." asked Emma. "no." said Jin. "thank for your time Jin." said Emma. "Emma wait, your dad gave me this." said Jin as he handed her a flash drive. "Thanks said Emma as she ran back to the Ferrari to grab her laptop. she put the flash drive into her computer and on it was one video. she clicked on it and it was her dad.

"Emma if your watching this please stop looking for me. As much as I want to be with you and your mom again I cant, I would be putting you in danger and I would never be able to live with myself if you or your mom got hurt or worse. Emma just know I love you and I would do anything to be with you and your mom but its just to dangerous. Just know I'm so proud of the amazing Pi you have became. I love you so much but I also know your not going to stop until you find answers, so please be careful. Tell your mother the two hounds of hell are a lawsuit waiting to happen." Emma sat there confused who or what are the two hounds of hell and why are they a lawsuit waiting to happened? she decide it was time to head home.

she knew her mom was going to murdered her but she didn't care. she got into her car and headed home. she pulled into the driveway and saw her mom come walking out the front door. her mom said nothing as she walked over and hugged her. "Emma I was so worried please don't run off with telling me." yelled Higgins. "I wont I promise and I knew it was a trap I'm not stupid." said Emma. "wait what did you mean there's a lot I don't know about you." asked Higgins. "I'm a lot more like you then you think I am." answered Emma very cryptically. "What does that mean." asked Higgins. "your a ex PI and ex spy figure it out" smiled Emma. "is that a challenge." questioned Higgins. "yup." replied Emma as she bent down to pet Zeus. "Challenge accepted." replied Higgins. "oh mom before I forget I met with Jen and he didn't really know anything but he gave me a flash drive with a message for me and in the video dad told me to tell you that the two hounds of hell are a lawsuit waiting to happen, does that mean anything to you." Asked Emma. " um no not that I can think of, Emma can I see the flash drive I wanna watch the video." replied Higgins. "Sure." says Emma as she tosses Higgins the flash drive. Higgins waited until her daughter went to her room and then she went to grab her laptop to watch the video. "Emma tell your mom those Hounds of hell are a lawsuit waiting to happen" says magnum in the video.

after Higgins heard that she knew exactly what magnum was trying to tell her, so she headed to the guest house. she opened the door and saw magnum sitting on the couch. "Thomas? asked Higgins. "Hi Juliet I missed you my love" Smiled Magnum. "Higgins ran to him and kissed him "where have you been all theses years" questioned Higgins tears streaming down her face. "Its best I don't tell you, I came here and risked yours and Emma's safety because I need you to stop her from looking for me and I need you to give this box to Katsumoto" says Magnum. "What's in it." questioned Higgins. "Evidence" replied Magnum. "crash" went the sound of glass breaking. "Help." screamed Emma. Magnum and Higgins ran outside to see two men in ski masks adduction there daughter, they could see she was unconscious. Higgins and Magnum ran to stop the men but there were two other men who came up behind them and hit Higgins on the back of the head and the other drove a needle into magnums neck. "Juliet!" he yelled before becoming unconscious. he was then dragged and thrown in the van with Emma. after about 30 minutes Higgins came to and after a moment everything came back. she ran inside to grab her phone and call katsumoto. "Katsumoto you need to get to robin nest now!" cried Higgins. "Why, what's going on?" asked Katsumoto extremely concerned. "Its Emma and magnum they were both abducted" yelled Higgins. "I'm on my way and what's this about magnum?" asked Katsumoto "He came to me. he wanted me to give you a box of evidence he had and then we heard Emma scream but by the time we got to her she was unconscious and two other men came up behinds us and knocked me out and took magnum as well." cried Higgins. "Do you still have the evidence?" questioned Katsumoto. Higgins ran back to guest house and the box was gone but she did find one thing a piece of paper that said Mr. Smith.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter comment down below if you know what episode magnum says and I quote" those two hounds of hell are a lawsuit waiting to happen" and I will tell you if your right. next chapter will be up soon and if you didn't know I started a criminal minds story that has 1 chapter up so far.

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