chapter 8

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Trigger warning-the first paragraph Mr. smith men beat Emma to get information out of her I promise nothing to graphic but if that's triggering you just skip this first paragraph and I will put a authors note when were past that part to let you know its safe to read.

   "What do you know?" asked than man as he punched Emma in the face. "I told you I don't know anything." cried Emma tears streaming down her face. "I don't believe you" said the man as he kicked her hard in the stomach. "I don't know anything." said Emma again as blood dripped down her nose. "We know you talked to Jin what did he tell you?" asked the man. "He didn't tell me anything, He just relayed a message from my dad, I swear I don't knw anything." screamed Emma.  "Boss?" questioned the man. "She doesn't know anything, If she did she would of told us. throw her back in the room with her father. Emma was dragged into a van and taken back to the cabin she was originally in and then taken back into the room where her father sat terrified wondering if he would ever see his daughter again. the man opened the door and throw Emma into the room. She hit the ground hard her vision now very hazy.

alright it is safe for my trigger worry people to start the story from here

   "Emma" cried Magnum as he ran over to where Emma now lay on the ground. he held Emma in his arms, crying as he saw what Mr. Smiths men did to her. "Dad." cried Emma weakly. "I'm right here." Said Magnum as he watched his daughter go unconscious. In that moment he wanted to murder Mr. smith and all of his men for hurting Emma. Magnum could do nothing except wait till his daughter regained consciousness. he was constantly checking Emma for a pulse to make sure she was still breathing. he sat there for over two hours before Emma woke up. "Dad?" asked Emma as she was starting to wake up. "I'm right here" replied Magnum.  Emma starts to sit up and moves her hand to where her necklace should be and she realizes its not there.  "Where is it?" panics Emma. "Where's what?" questions magnum. "My necklace the one you gave me when I was a baby." replied Emma. "I don't know baby, I haven't seen it". replies Magnum. "No its gone, its the only think I have from you." Cries Emma. "I'm sorry Emma, You actually still wear it?" asked Magnum. "I never take it off" replies Emma. "I know its not the same but you can have mine." replies Magnum as he takes his necklace off. "Thank you dad." replies Emma. Magnum puts the necklace on Emma.

     Emma Smiles and hugs Magnum. "Don't leave me again." cries Emma. "I wont." replies Magnum and he holds Emma in his arms. "Promise me." replies Emma. Magnum knows he cant make that promise because he doesn't know if he can keep it but he also doesn't want to break Emma Heart. "I promise." replied Magnum. in that moment magnum knew he had just made a huge mistake but now he was more determined then ever to keep that promise.

                                                                 Meanwhile at Robins nest

   "Higgins we think we have Emma and magnums location." said katsumoto.  "where." asked Higgins A small abandoned Cabin in Honolulu park, I'm on my way there with a swat team, I will call you back if we find anything." replied Katsumoto as he hung up the phone. "Higgins wasn't going to wait around. she Jumped in her car and headed to park....Higgins arrived at the park as katsumoto was walking out of the cabin. he walked over to Higgins zero expression on his face. "There not here but it appears one of them might have been because we found blood." replied Katsumoto. "Is it Emma's?" questioned Higgins trying to hold back tears. "we don't know, were going to have to wait for Noelani to test it." replied Katsumoto. "Good news it wasn't a lot blood, Enough that they might of hurt her but not enough that they killed her,if it is even her blood." replies Katsumoto.  "Detective we found something" said one of Katsumoto officers as he hands him a evidence bag with a necklace with the initials EM on it. "Higgins I know this is hard but I need to ask you, is this Emma necklace?" questioned Katsumoto. Higgins looked at it, tears now falling down her checks. "Yes that's Emma's." replies Higgins.

     Katsumoto nodded not really knowing what to say, its hard enough to talk to a parents who's child is missing but it's alot harder when its someone you know. "Alright I'm going to call and get some search dogs out here, If she's still here will find her."Replied Katsumoto as he pulled out his phone to make a few calls. Higgins on the other hand was not about to wait for search dogs to get here, she was going to search theses woods herself. she texted TC and rick with a update and they immediately started a search in TC chopper.


    Emma and magnum could hear people coming down the hall. "Emma get behind me." Said magnum as he could hear the foot-steps getting closer. the Door opened and 2 men grabbed magnum and then 2 others grabbed Emma. they were taken from the room and thrown into a Vehicle. Emma and magnum looked at each other knowing they were being moved. "Emma when the van stops and we get out, Fight as hard as you can". whispered Magnum. before Emma even has a chance to reply the van stops and both of them are forced out.  Emma stomps on one of the men's foot and breaks free of his grasp and kicking him in the stomach. she reaches down and grabs the mans gun shooting the other two men in the chest. Magnum takes don't the last man by putting him in a head lock and rendering him unconscious. magnum looks at his daughter wondering how she just got of two perfect shots. "how did you get of two perfect shot?" questioned Magnum. "What can I say im the daughter of a Former MI6 operative and a decorated Fomer Navy seal who not only survived but escaped a POW camp." replied Emma. "Right"laugh magnum. "Wait how did you know that I spent time in a POW camp?" Questioned magnum. "Well as part of my investigation into your disappearance,I did alot of research on you and i found a lot of articles and even news storys about it and uncle rick and tc told me the story of how you,your friend Nuzo  and them escaped.replied Emma. "Did they tell you about hannah?"questioned Emma. "Yes i know she was your ex- fiancé and she betrayed you,which has got to hurt" said magnum. "Yup it did for a long time"replied magnum. "If you think about it though if Hannah hadn't betrayed you, you would've getting thrown in the pow camp and not have had to escape but you would've of left the navy,became a pi and met mom,help so many people and you would've had me" said Emma. "True and i wouldn't change a thing"replied magnum as he kisses the top of his daughters head. "Lets get out of here"replies Emma. As magnum and Emma turn to leave. "Not so fast" yells mr smith as he runs up to them with a gun amid at both of them. Emma amid the gun in her hand at mr smith. They look at each other and several shots rang out..................................
••••••to be continued
I will get the next chapter up as soon as possible

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