Chapter 6 🌲

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To Athena it seemed as if the day couldn't go fast enough. Mike, Eric, and the rest attempted to talk to her but she quickly shrugged them off with an excuse and left in a different direction. As the raven haired girl headed to her class alone, she felt a presence right next to her.

"Might as well go to the second to last period, don't you agree?" A voice she recognized as Edward's said next to her. She stopped in her tracks and turned her face to see his hovering over her. Their height difference was made of about 4 inches.

"Oh you really are as annoying as they describe you in the book aren't you?" She asked irritated. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you say one thing and do the complete opposite! Make up your mind for once!" She exclaimed as she pushed the door open and handed the slip of paper to their Biology teacher. Edward takes a seat at his partner table and she takes the seat next to him.

"Well- I change my mind on things when I decide what is best." He mutters to Athena. She chuckles and notices Edward tense up. She looks at him questionably until she realizes Bella had just walked into the classroom. Strangely enough though, Athena can smell a sweet scent lingering in the air, just that she can't make out exactly what it is. Mr. Banner looks around the classroom.

"Well why don't you sit in the back of the classroom next to Eric for now?" He says in a quiet voice, meant for only Bella to hear and for a strange reason, again, Athena could hear it.

Bella stumbles by the pair's table, holding on to it in order to help herself up. She raises her head up, her face extremely red from embarrassment and shoots a glance at Edward then at Athena. Her eyes widen as she looks between them.

"Are you related?"She blurts out before making a face, looking as if she could kick herself right then. Edward just glares at her.

"No, were not." Athena says plainly.

"Oh, i-im sorry-" She stutters. Athena smiles kindly at the girl.

"No worries. Im Athena Pellegrino by the way, and you're Bella Swan am I right?"

Bella looks at the beautiful girl in surprise of her kindness.

"Erm yes, uh I'll see you tomorrow, nice meeting you though!" Bella says and gets to her seat eventually.

The lesson is over in the blink of an eye, but to Edward it seemed like a century passing by, and if it weren't for the calming scent of the beautiful girl next to him, he would've snapped the second the stumbling human girl stepped in the classroom.

Edward, Carlisle is going to call you in a bit. It's about Athena. Alice's thought reached him and he excused himself from Spanish, gaining a look from Emmett and Athena.

Once the vampire heard this, he looked around to make sure no human was around and sped out the school and to his car in the parking lot. Right on time, the call buzzed through the car.

"Carlisle," Edward greeted picking up the phone.

"Alice," Carlisle muttered, obviously realizing that the pixie had warned him beforehand. "I have some unsettling news. While in my break I went to take another look at Athena's blood. It started to change. I am not sure what this means-"

"Will she turn into a vampire?" Edward whispered into the phone.

"I'm not certain, Edward. I want you to take a new sample from her when home and check it. If she is slowly changing, it means we will have a newborn at our hands. Or the outcome might be different. Since Alice is blind we cannot really tell."

Edward rubbed his forehead, the bell had rung and the students rushed out of the building. One of them was Bella Swan. She looked his way and he broke the eye contact before she could decide to come over. He was not in mood to talk with her again.

"I'll do it."

"Good. I'll be back later this evening."



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