Chapter 13 🌲

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Edward's POV

Athena was truly something of herself. She was different. Beautiful. Intriguing. Smart. In mind I bet I could go on. Most of all I wanted to keep hearing her beautiful voice. As she heard it now, it was how my family and I had heard it from the start. But everything else about her had truly been enhanced.

I felt strange to always want to be close to her, however her comment the first day had made Carlisle keep me away from her room for the most part. I shook my head a bit to myself. What I was feeling was absurd. I was not meant for such a beautiful creature. It could not be possible.

There it was again. I could swear I felt emotion from her, Jasper thought. I listened in a bit more.

It was almost the same as with Alice. They could get a piece of information now and then, but from that she was blocking them. Me. Us.

Not even once had I gotten a glimpse of her thoughts and I wondered why, all of us did.

Then her voice. It was so alluring and so beautiful. It was almost like a song when she spoke.  Indeed she could be a threat to the vampire race. At the same time it did not feel like that for me. If anything, the most important part would be to keep her a secret from the Volturi.

I heard her touch a key on the piano and I made my way down the stairs. So she could sing? It was fitting. She wasn't human after all.

Slowly I hit the keys for her, noticing that she was concentrated as she watched and listened. I moved aside and made space for her on the piano bench and she carefully sat down beside me.

Our arms touched and warmth went through my ice cold skin. That special pull I felt when I was around her came back, and strong it did as I felt myself wanting to lean in. I soon realized what I was about to do and felt immensely disgusted with myself. I leaned the opposite way. 

"Would you like to show me a song?" I heard her whisper in her alluring sing song voice. It did not help the pull. Her voice shaking me out of my thoughts, I smiled and nodded. Then I let my fingers flow as smoothly as a running forest river.

As I faded out the last notes to end the song, I noticed her closed eyes slowly opening. For less than a millisecond I started leaning in, but felt the utter disgust with myself once again. She let her hands on the keys and then closed her eyes again.

Slowly she let her fingers create the melody I had played for her. And as she noticed she got the hang of it she started to grin. Two fangs becoming visible and I could not help but smile as well.

I don't remember seeing him so carefree and happy ever before, I heard Esme's kind thoughts. I frowned and got up from the bench, rushing out the house, and leaving Athena alone. I ran, letting my legs carry me far and to the meadow. There I stopped and laid down. Had I hurt her? I had left so abruptly, I didn't bother to even say goodbye to her. I sighed and attempted to calm down my uncharacteristic overthinking.

A new day was approaching. A new day of school was coming.

It was wrong of me to think so lovely of Athena and I knew it. We barely knew each other and we had barely spoken. At the same time, there was something about her. Something I only felt around her and no other human I had ever met.  I couldn't stop my thoughts from going her way. It was impossible. No matter how hard I tried.

 I had previously asked Carlisle about what he thought this pull I felt might be. He suggested it might just be a protective brotherly feeling, but mentioned it could be possible we were mates and the pull I felt was called the mate pull, if his second guess was true. I daydreamed about it, all the things we could do, how I could make her happy, but that was impossible. Someone so angelic couldn't have been destined for some one so- so horrible like myself.

 From the moment we found her she made a big impact on our lives. All of us. Slowly all of us were changing. We could all feel it and it was no denying it. She was something out of the ordinary.

My phone buzzed and with a sigh, I took it up and read the text from Alice.

Remember we have to face Bella Swan again today. Somehow I have a feeling something is going to happen. However, I can't say for sure since Athena will be coming with us.

I quickly replied and asked how it was going to go since Athena had not slept.

She feels fine she says. More awake than she has ever felt according to her. You know, you could ask her yourself if your'e so interested. I could already picture Alice's suggestive smirk in my mind.

I rolled my eyes and sat up, getting ready to sprint my way home.

Athena was something for herself, which was obvious. Neither was she human. She had a secret to keep like the rest of my family and I.  

Another thing was that she seemed to not really like me, and I had a trusty feeling it had to do something about those 'Twilight' books she talked about from the universe she came from. Did the author speak that badly about me? Maybe she did feel the pull as well but dismissed because of my bad reputation in those books.

I was determined to find out. I would find out. 


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