Chapter 12 🌲

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"I bet you're hungry. Go take a shower and get dressed. I'll make you something to eat," Esme said. Her voice warm and her eyes inviting.

I smiled in thanks. Not thinking that I would step into water again.

I hurried to my room and into the bathroom. I undressed and stepped into the shower. The warm water felt nice on my arms and I thought of what kind of liquid ran down my veins. 

I tried to be as fast as possible, but drying my hair would truly take ages. I found clothes neatly made on my bed and I put them on before making my way.

The scents from the kitchen was truly a mix. It was a bit of everything. However, what I was drawn to was what consisted of fish and vegetables. The other things did not look appealing anymore and I felt a bit sad for Esme. Here she had bothered with so much and I only ate what was of fish. Nevertheless, I ate dessert. The brownies were truly delicious.

Again I added salt to my water when drinking. Rosalie came and wondered if I liked the clothes. She had picked them out. I smiled in thanks before making my way to the first floor. Quickly I figured out where Edward's piano stood. I hit a white key and listened as the sound went through the room. My finger was still pressed against it as I felt another presence join me.

"Do you play?" Edward's voice was smooth and I smiled as I recognized his scent.

"Mm-no. Even with a photographic memory, I was never really the one to play instruments. Sing, sure. Learning notes. No way. Somehow my brain just refused to learn them."

"But when you sing you follow notes," Edward pointed out.

"Not really. I follow the music. Or I look it up on youtube and listen to the song, after that I know more or less how it goes. As long as the melody is with me in my head, I know how to sing it. Remembering the text is not a problem. It is something else to actually use emotion and enter a role when singing. Personally I don't like performing though. I prefer to sing to myself at...home..."

"I see."

I tilted my head.

"What if I let you hear all the sounds of the keys while you look at them, then I will let you hear a song, and then we'll see if you grasped it."

"Is that so smart?" I asked, unsure.

"It can't be worse than singing for an audience," he teased.

"Oh, true," I muttered. Faintly noticing the daylight approaching


Sorry for this short(er) chapter! I had another idea for the next chapter so I wanted it to be apart and not in one chapter only. Also, I apologize if you don'y like where the plot is going, I may change it later on in life :)

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