See More: Part 6

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This is so stupid why the hell am I doing. I feel like dying and I'm really sweaty and sticky. This is so tiring my legs feel like falling off and my ass hurts like hell. 

"Dude you're terrible at skateboarding," Mateo said while trying to manage to land an ollie. 

"Shut up I'm trying ok!" I answered as I fell off the board for the tenth time already. I was annoyed due to the fact I got dragged into this. You may be thinking "hey at least you're alone with Mateo" well you're wrong because his friend is here. 

I didn't really want to come since he was going to bring a friend but I gave in. I knew it was going to be an awkward situation but yet here I am. I haven't said one word to his friend who he called grim but his real name was Tyler. Grim was short for grimace. yeah just like that purple blob from Mcdonald's or an action someone would take but in this case, it was a name of a 16-year-old high school student. 

"You don't talk much do you puffy" grim told me with a smirk slapped across his face. If I'm being honest he annoyed me. I think of him being too loud and too friendly. *What the fuck, did he call me puffy?*

"I don't know why you're being so formal here. we just met so maybe try using my real name ok... Tyler" I barked back. I know ok too rude but come on he called me puffy out of the blue. *Maybe I am being too harsh*

"Look I don't mind you calling me names but maybe talk to me more before you make that decision, unlike someone I know" I quickly turn my attention to Mateo who was currently pretending like it wasn't him I was talking about. He saw me staring and all he did was laugh at my remark. 

Two hours later they both walked me home when I obviously told them not to follow me but of course, they didn't listen. 

"See ya shorty!"

"Bye shortcake!"

"Don't call me shortcake you dweeb!" 

"Then call me grimace and we'll be even!" 

"Fuck off!" 

Monday came in like a hurricane. My zero was English so I had to get up pretty early. Every time I walk into the gates of the school Mateo is always there on the second floor with steven who was a childhood friend of mine. Seven actually has a class downstairs, but since he and Mateo did wrestling together they were good friends but Mateo quit after a year I don't know why but it didn't seem like he wanted to go back. 

"EJ! you're late once again" 

"oh shut up steve! " 

"why so mean? do you want me to tell him your secret?"

"Are you blackmailing me, braces"

"I would never"

"Fuck you! Hey, Mateo did you bring it?"

"Yes sir! here it we're walking together"

"Yup! can I see it?"

"You saw it a few days ago why do you want to see it now?"

"Because of it's designed!"  

Mateo brought his skateboard to school which was my favorite thing because of the raccoon imprinted on it. Mateo's favorite animal is a raccoon and I also like them so I like looking at his board whenever he has it with him. 

"Oh yeah almost forgot here you go," Mateo said while passing me one of his AirPods. Mateo and I have recently started listening to each other's music and every time we're together he would give me one of his AirPods so I can listen with him. I love it when he does that. It makes me feel like I have a chance when in reality I don't but I can't really say he wasn't bisexual but I'm not allowed to decide on that, that's his decision to make. I don't care what our relationship is as long as I get to be with him.

Once class started the song was changed to "careless whisper" by George Micheal. My face turned bright red as I turned to look at him but all he did was go straight to his desk. *Maybe I'm being overdramatic*


-New message-

Mateo: Dude!! help!

Me: What?

Mateo: I got a boner!

My eyes grew wider than ever before. Why the hell would he tell me that he got a boner! I obviously didn't need to know that.

 I looked at him and by my surprise, he was also looking at me. His eyes in panic and his face bright red. 


-New message-

Mateo: dude stop looking at me and give me your jacket!

Me: how the fuck did you even get a boner!?"

Mateo: When I'm in the mood ...I'm in the mood..

Me: Dude!! 

Mateo: please bro help me!

I rushed to his desk and gave him my hoodie. His face looked in a panic but soon calmed down once I got there. He laughed and took my hoodie and place it on top of his can. *It's so cold today*

"Thank you!"

"I told you not to watch those on your way to school"

"When I'm in the mood I am in the mood!"

"That mood should stay in your room" 

"Oh shut up!"

Sometimes I don't understand why I like him. For one he's not really my type and he's kinda a perve but it's too late to back down now. We started walking towards our next period which is rare since I don't usually walk with him to our first period since he usually starts walking with Alex but he wasn't here today and neither was grim or the other kids that would constantly hurl up near my desk. It turns out that they were all in wrestling and they were going to be gone for two days because of a tournament located in las vegas. 

"Hey so why did you quit wrestling?" 

"hmm.. well I just didn't like the idea of competing. I found it to be stupid"

"How come?"

"Well believe it or not but I'm a pacifist"

"Well, I don't believe it. So you don't like violence" 

"Yeah it's stupid so I stopped" 

"Then why did you join?"

"I don't know I just thought it was cool and my friends entered so I did too" 

"Well instead of wrestling what sport would you rather join?"

"Well football is an absolute no for me since I suck so bad"

"Yeah you really do"

"You're not allowed to say anything!"

"What do you mean dude?! I literally played football in middle school and I'm the reason why our team won during P.E" 

"Oh yeah shit I forgot well...I want to join soccer"

"Soccers a good choice"

"Yeah well Hispanics are especially known for playing soccer especially Mexicans" 

"You suck tho"

"I'm not Mexican dude!"

"I know you're not! but it doesn't matter where you come from you just suck"

"I hate you!"

"You love me!"

"Piss off Loser!"

He laughed so brightly that day and I will never forget his smile and how his light brown eyes shined in the sun. 


Hi!!! I've had this chapter in mind for some time now and finally I got to write it out.

Remember that you're valid and loved. Also, remember to drink plenty of water and to get enough rest!!


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