See more: Part 12

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Classes were out for the day and Mateo was sitting at his normal spot to await his parents. He was bopping his head to the music that was blasting in his AirPods. His hair was puffy and looked soft. 

I walk home and start doing my work because that's all I have going for me. A few hours later I get a call from Mateo who was sitting on his bed watching Friday the 13th for the sixth time. 

I was never into scary movies but Mateo has been insisting that I watch Friday the 13th and I eventually gave in and it wasn't as interesting. People fucked, died, and some lived.*I don't really know...I was asleep through  almost the whole movie* 

"What homework are you working on?"

"Math. Shouldn't you be doing homework?"

"Nope I do my homework the day it is due"

"That's stupid. Then what do you do all day? Do you just sit there watching movies and daydream or is there more to that" 

"Well my agenda doesn't concern you"

"Ok then don't tell me"

"I won't then...Haha"

His voice was so close to my ear as if he were right next to me speaking.

"Ready for tomorrow"

"I just gotta go buy some snacks so you don't stave"

"Don't sweat it. It's my choice not to eat breakfast"

"And it's my choice to make sure you eat breakfast"

He started changing the subject and our phone call lasted for eight hours. There was one time I hung up because I needed to take a dump. He wouldn't let me hang up when I was going to take a shower so instead of listening to my playlist. I was listening to his voice. Not in a perverted way..I promise!!

We started talking about future plans and our dream job. He told me that he wanted to produce music. He's been learning guitar and has been practicing ever since he got one when he was ten. He told me that he knew that making music wouldn't last forever but he still wanted to do it. I told him how I would cheer him on and be first in line for the meet and greets. 

From that, we started talking about a future together.  He told me that he would want his future children to meet me and if he couldn't get children of his own he would adopt. We talked about going to concerts together and learning skating tricks. He told me about how he doubts himself and feels like a terrible person. 

Mateo has a pure heart and I tell him every day. I just wish he would believe me. 


Eight hours is pretty long if you ask me... This part came out shorter than I wanted it to be but it ok.



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