See more: Part 13

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After hanging up and saying our goodnight we both went to bed and got rested for tomorrow. 

*Saturday 5 am*

The sun still not up but the birds were wide awake. The breeze was fresh and felt like a blanket once it has touched your skin. My eyes trying to stay open and my eyebrows moving up and down to help them stay up. My breath felt sticky and gross.

At 5:30 am Mateo called me to make sure I wasn't still asleep and of course I was asleep. His call woke me up and forced me out of my peaceful slumber. Once the clock hit 5:45 I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. I met Mateo at rite aid and from there we walked to the park.

"So how are you this wicked morning shorty?"

"Well if I was still sleeping I think I would've been better"

"Ok well damn if you didn't want to come you could have told me"

"I did want to come so don't worry...It was a joke"

"Well you're not funny"

"Well that's too bad"

As time passed I told even more awful jokes and he laughed at how bad they were. We would stop from time to time to look at the graffiti we saw. There was wall art as well. One had people of different cultures and races. Another had little doll-like kids holding hands ontop on the place we call earth.  The last one we passed by had the faces of kids who had passed. 

We passed by mailboxes and couples making out. We passed by kids screaming for joy well that's what it sounded like. We also passed by other kids on skateboards but they were the type you don't want to be a part of. 

"Imma tell my future kids about this," Mateo said smiling and looking straight ahead. He looked embarrassed at his claim but it made me feel as if he really wants me in his future. 

"Only tell them the cool stuff like how I land an ollie" 

"You can't land an ollie"

"Well today will be the day I land the ollie" 

"I doubt it"

"Ok bet!"


After passing by many other things we finally made it to the park. The park was big but no one really goes there because of the number of people that come here to either sleep on the bench or to have sex in the bathrooms. Someone once found a condom on the slide. Kids weren't allowed on the big toy for a few days so then they could wipe it down clean. 

Mateo sat on the grass and started eating the sandwiches I bought him. I went on ahead and practiced how to land an ollie. When there is a bet going on I take things way more seriously because I hate losing. 

"You look stupid!" Mateo yelled out with his mouth half full of the sandwich he was caring down. "Don't speak with your mouth full! It's gross!" I replied to him. He smiles and proceeds to chew with his mouth open. It was really gross but luckily I was too busy to even pay attention. 


Hello there!! has anyone watched sk8 the infinity... You definitely should...



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