See more: Part 15

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"The one right next to the moon is called a loop because it loops its favorite music over and over again"

"What does the moon do about it?"

"You know the reason why the moon turns into a crescent moon?"

"No, why?"

"So then the moon doesn't have to hear the music anymore"

"You're an idiot"

"You're a bigger idiot for listening to me"

We spent minutes talking about the stars and what they do. One had the name of art and it was a fake star. Another was called stepdad because it would leave.

"You see the really bright one over there," Mateo asked me as he stared at it. "Yes! what about it?" I replied to him. "That one is you because it's the brightest of them all"

My heart stopped and my eyes widened. That was the gayest thing I ever heard him say. 

Out of nowhere he grabbed my hand and pulled me up the hill near the rite aid we met in front of this morning.  

"That one is called shorty because he's mean and feisty and that one is called Oompa Loompa because it's dense but smart" 

He named almost every star after me. He gave them the nicknames he has given me. 

"Every single one of those stars represents who you are as a whole ej" 

My eyes widened and my tears rolled down my face and melted on my lips. I was so happy. 

"Thank you. I don't know what to say" 

"you don't have to say anything just know that you're fucking awesome Ej"

We headed down the hill holding hands. This is where we part ways. 

As I started crossing light and Mateo was headed towards the rite-aid. My head spinning and I wasn't thinking correctly. So I did what any other person would do and turned around and told him.

"Mateo I really like you!" I yelled out as I stood in the middle of the crosswalk. Mateo turned and looked my way. Cars were honking for me to keep on moving. 

"What!?" he yelled out as the cars started moving past me. 

"Mateo I love you! More than a friend! Mateo I really like you!" I stopped yelling and realized what I did. He looked at me and smiled. 

"See you tomorrow Ej!" He yelled out as he waved his hands from side to side.

He started walking away and I stood there watching him. Now that I told him how I felt I wanted more of what has already been experienced. I wanted to know more about him. I wanted to hear more about him. I wanted to see more of him. 

But that was the last time Mateo and I spoke to each other. 


And that's a wrap to this story. Yeah sorry about giving everyone false hope! I'm actually really sad that I have to let go of my characters but it was going to happen eventually. I hope you liked it!! This was just a practice run so I will be rewriting it.



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