No One Told Me

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Ace's POV

No one told me she had panic attacks. I had freaked out and ran her to the pack hospital when she collapsed. Being able to hold her, even if only for a few minutes, was the best I've felt in years.

Since she's been gone, I've thought about her everyday since she left. Her gorgeous lips, her addicting scent. God I've missed her. The only reason I rejected her was because I was a stupid, young, naive teenager, and I let others choose for me. Now, I realize this sounds like any other stupid thing a guy might say, but this time it's different. I've dreamt about her every night since she left, whether it be a dream or a nightmare she was always there. Always somewhere in my mind. If only she knew how much I really cared. 

I'm so freaking stupid! 

Yes, yes you are. My wolf said sarcastically.

Oh shut up already!

I was sitting outside on a bench thinking about her, when I heard the roar of an engine and smelled the scent that drove my senses wild. She skidded her bike to a stop several yards away and stepped off while shaking her hair out of her helmet. 

She's gorgeous

I couldn't help but agree with my wolf. 

She didn't seem to notice me yet, and I took that time to study her. She was trembling and her stance was shaky. Storm seemed tense, and I think she finally noticed me because her nostrils flared as if she could smell me. I stood up from the table as she turned toward me. Her eyes seemed scared and hesitant at the same time. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to her. To my complete and total surprise she started to approach me at a fast pace. What is she doing?

Maybe she'll kiss you, and take y-

Shut the hell up already you perv!

You were thinking it too...


In the time it had taken me to shut my wolf up Storm was already standing in front of me. She hesitated then jumped towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I stood frozen for a moment before letting my heart take over. My arms surrounded her in an embrace and she put her face in my chest. I buried my face in Storms hair and held her while I had the chance. Not only was I surprised that she was within ten feet of me, but she was actually hugging me. 

It didn't last long though because she backed away and started taking deep breaths to calm herself down. I didn't want to ruin the moment, or what I thought was a moment, but I needed to know what had her so upset.

"What happened?" I asked in the most gentle voice I could manage. She looked as if she was debating on telling me. If she lies to me...

"It was nothing just...had to sell a dog that I've raised since he was a pup. Yeah. That's it. Just very emotional. You know what, I think it might be my time of the month so...I'm just gonna go..." Storm rambles on before she turns to leave.

I grab her arm and turn her to face me as I say, "You know, even after all these years you still suck at lying." The grin on my face showed that I was just joking, but her face suddenly became blank.

She looked eerily calm as she spoke.

"What would you know about me and these past years?"

It was like the calm before the storm.

"I spent the last three and a half building a new me, so that I could forget everything these people, your pack, put me through. I'm different now. I'm not that girl that can be pushed around and told what to do. You can't give me that charming smile, or that pouty face that you give every girl thinking that she'll obey you're every word, or worship the ground you walk on. Fuck no! I'm not the same girl as I was 3 years ago and if you think you can lure me back in by using the same act you use on all the poor girls you take advantages of then you seriously need to think again." After she had finished yelling she turned around and stomped back towards the house.

And of course I ruined it. Again. As usual.

I seem to never be able to do anything right. Even as an alpha I had to call in another pack to help train mine because of some stupid rogues. If only I had accepted her. Maybe everything would've been different.

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