I'm not happy about this!

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"I'm not going back there and you can't make me!" I yelled at Jackson. "Storm I know you don't want to go back there, but you are the pack trainer and you have to train your old pack," he stated.

I knew he was right so I simply nodded and walked out of the room while muttering, "But don't think I'll like it" under my breath. As I walked into my room my Caucasian Mountain Dog, Tundra, came up to me and licked my hand. Have you ever seen a caucasian mountain dog? They're huge!

I found Tundra as a pup in the forest when I first came here. He had been badly abused and left to die in the forest so I immediately took him in the house and raised him back to health! The guys are all still afraid of him and refuse to go near him!

I'm really an animal person. I volunteer down at the local animal shelter and am down there constantly. I've taken home so many animals that the guys have given me the whole upstairs for an animal sanctuary and play area. I also run a pet shop sorta thing from there that allows people to come in and buy animals.

Of course when we leave they know how to feed themselves. I've trained with them whenever I can and bought an automatic feeder that feeds them twice a day.

Anyways as I was petting Tundra I felt something moving on my head. I could already tell that it was Gizmo. She's my sugar glider. I rescued her when she was caught in a trap in a tree. Her, Tundra, Hiax, and Turtle stay in my room. Hiax is my pet snake, and Turtle is my Siamese cat with ice blue eyes. Tundra likes to chase her around the house or outside. The guys can always tell when that's happening because the house shakes a little, no joke!

Well, anyways as Turtle walked by Tundra immediately snapped his head towards her and she just strutted by and walked out the door. I was knocked backwards as Tundra ran past me and chased Turtle down the hallway. I just shook my head and started packing.

Well here's the thing I know that I said I'd never go back to my old pack but...I have to! They have been having a bunch of rogue attacks lately and need help training.

'Bunch of pathetic losers is what they are," I say to Ruby.

'Tell me about it.' Was her sarcastic reply.

A while later I was finally done packing and decided to go to bed. As I was falling asleep I felt Tundra jump on my bed and lay down. I looked up and saw Turtle curl up on his head, and Gizmo curled up on Turtles head. Hiax then wrapped in a circle around Turtle.

My last thought before I fell asleep was, 'My pets are so weird!'


Hey Ya'll so sorry for not updating in a long time was dealing with some things but I'm back now and will stay updating a lot more often! I know this chapter sucks but it was more of a filler. So until next time

Peace Sugar Gliders!!!!

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