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I let them pass me in my cars and the pick up. This should be fun. As I started driving down the road I couldn't help but wonder what happened to Ace. Did he ever mate someone? Probably mated some dirt bag. I felt a pit of jealousy in my stomach.

'I miss our mate,' Ruby whimpered.

'You shouldn't," I growled at her. She shut up when I said that, but I couldn't help but agree with her.

As I was nearing my old pack house I could smell fear dripping off someone. I revved the engine and sped up.

I sped in to the parking lot, and skidded to a stop. Only to see Tundra on top of someone growling in their face, and the rest of my pack holding Diesel back for some reason. I mentally laughed in my head as everyone looked at me except for Diesel and the person under Tundra.

As I stepped off my bike I could smell his scent mixed with fear. Everyone watched as I took off my helmet and shook out my hair. Then I decided to help the poor person under Tundra, and said, "Tundra, off." I immediately regretted my decision.

Jackson's POV

As we pulled up to the front of Storms old pack I could hear Tundra growling in the back. The guys all parked Storms cars. I'm surprised she even let them drive her cars here. I jumped out of the truck and went to let Tundra out. I was surprised when he knocked me over. By the time I got up off the ground I saw Tundra take off across the yard and towards the pack house.

'What is he doing?' My wolf, Spike, asked.

"I don't kn-," I was cut off when I heard someone scream. It sounded like a girl.

I looked over and saw Tundra about to jump on someone.

Diesel grabbed him by his collar and tried to use his werewolf strength to pull him back. After a lot of dragging he managed to put Tundra on a chain which he hooked around a tree.

"Sorry about him," Diesel said.

"It's okay," the guy said.

"I'm Diesel and this is Alpha Jackson," Diesel said gesturing to me.

"I'm guessing you're the pack trainer?" he said to Diesel.

Everything was quiet for a minute until my pack started laughing and the other pack looked confused.

"Are you kidding me? Our pack trainer could kick his butt in two seconds flat!" Jax said between laughs.

"Ok, well anyways I'm Alpha Ace Sterling."

All laughing immediately stopped and I could tell what Diesel was about to do before he did it. "YOU!" he screamed. He lunged for Ace and was ready to rip his eyes out. The rage in Diesels eyes was probably in all of my packs, but we weren't as close to Storm as he was. They were practically connected at the hip. I could understand why he was acting this way. He was over protective of her, constantly teaching her new things, making sure she doesn't get in to too much trouble, makes sure she doesn't fall back into depression, and treats her as if they are blood related. We all took care of her when she first showed up.

We were able to grab Diesel right before he tackled Ace. Trying to hold him back was tough. His wolf was trying to take control, and I knew that if Storm didn't show up quick there would surely be a dead person before this day was over.

And to make things worse Tundra had been barking the whole time and pulling at his chain. All of a sudden Tundras chain snapped, and he was tackling Ace before any of us could stop him, but we wouldn't of been able to seeing as we were holding back Diesel. Tundra stood over him growling and biting at his face. Ace was just barely able to dodge him each time.

We all turned our heads as we heard a revving engine. Except for Diesel, Ace, and Tundra. Storm pulled in and sped to a stop. She did the whole movie thing where she swung her leg over, took her helmet off, and shook out her hair. She looked around and I could tell she was trying not to laugh. Then, she looked over at Tundra and said, "Tundra, off."

Storms POV

As soon as I said Tundras name he whipped his head around and came running towards me. I wasn't ready for him to jump on me, but I was able to stable myself. He had his paws on my shoulders and was licking my face. He was at least a head tall than me when he stood upright.

"Hey bud!" I said.

Then, I made him get down and looked up after wiping dog slobber off my face.
My eyes connected with those green eyes that I hadn't seen since the day I was rejected.

I suddenly understood why Diesel was so mad and the pack had to hold him back. I quickly jogged over and stood in front of him. I forced him to look down at me. His eyes were black, which meant he was about to go wolf on Ace's ass. He was jerking his arms trying to get out of the packs hold, but he was also shaking, which wasn't a good sign. I knew I had to calm down, but as he looked at me his original eye color started to return.

"Hey Diesel look at me. I'm right here. I'm safe and he can't hurt me. Calm down, ok? Just calm down and look at me," I said in the most gentle voice I could manage as I ran my hand down the side of his face. He finally calmed down and the pack let him go. The first thing he did was hug me and shut his eyes as he buried his face in the crook of my neck. He must have been pretty pissed because it took twice the amount of time to calm him down. After several minutes of awkward silence and Diesel crushing my bones from hugging me so hard he turned me around in his arms so I was facing my ex-pack, and rested his chin on my shoulder. I knew if I walked away he would go back to how he was 5 minutes ago.

Tundra started barking when Turtle walked past him towards me. She walked around my legs and then sat down. Gizmo climbed out of my jacket pocket and glided down to sit on Tundras head who was sitting by my feet. Hiax was in her terrarium in the car.

People just stared at them as if they were a freak show and I growled at them, which caused Tundra and Gizmo to bark and squeak.

I heard a low growl come from the front of the crowd. Ace kept growling and glaring at Diesel, and I looked down and realized why. Diesels arms were still around my waist and my hands were placed over his. He had a little smirk on his face. Diesel knew he was making Ace mad, and he was loving it. I guess since he wasn't allowed to beat the crap out of Ace, he's settling for the next best thing. Annoying the crap out of him.

"Let go of her!" Ace growled at him.

"Mmm...no," Diesel said in a bored voice.

'Uh oh,' I thought as I saw Aces eyes turn black.


Hey Ya'll! I'm so sorry! I know I didn't update for a while but I've just been really busy. I start school in a week and I was at camp, and on a family vacation, and then had a family reunion. But anyways this chapter is dedicated to ABIGAIL_135 because her comment made me laugh! Thank you



You know what? Do whatever you want! I'm not your boss!

My Street Racing Rejected MateWhere stories live. Discover now