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Storm's POV


"Hey Storm, you ready for our welcoming party?" Jackson asked as he peeked his head through my door.

"Are you really asking me that question?" He simply shrugged and closed the door of the room I was currently occupying. He knew for a fact that I was not the type of girl to get ready for a party earlier then I needed to. To be honest I usually got ready last minute. I stood up from the bed that sat in the corner, and made my way to the closet. I felt excited but anxious at the same time. After all I had just run into a weird dude who could possibly be a threat to both me and my pack.

I'm not going to let some random weirdo ruin my time here. Alpha Asshole and his pack are doing that enough as is. I looked through the clothes I had unpacked. Nothing seemed right. Until I remembered that I had packed the one dress Diesels mom had given to me on my birthday.

I scooped it up in my arms along with a pair of black strappy pumps. As I ran into the bathroom I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7:40 and the party was starting in 20 minutes. Oh well, I'll just be fashionably late. I showered but I think I took like 10 minutes because of how good the water felt. After that I blow dried my hair and curled it into loose, bouncy curls. My bangs were swept to the side. For makeup well I don't really wear a lot except for mascara, smoky eye shadow, and some clear lipgloss. Tonight my eyes were a bright teal, turquoise sort of color so the smoky eye shadow made them stand out.

Finally, I was ready for the dress and accessories. As I slipped the dress on the top part of it felt like a second skin. The top of it was a glittery silver color with black spaghetti straps that hugged my curves and chest, but the top of it stopped just below my belly button as it turned into a black, light fabric that swayed when I moved. It stopped mid calf. Since I was alone I decided to spin barefoot in front of the floor length mirror and watch as the skirt of the dress spun out around me. I didn't stop until I felt like I was gonna puke. Which was probably a bad thing to do, but oh well, too late now.

I slipped on the black strappy pumps and added a simple, fake, diamond necklace and a pair of, fake, diamond earrings. They looked real though, so that's good enough for me. I was finally done. I had taken out all my other piercings, which had literally taken like 5 minutes, and it was only 8:15. As I went to step out the door I noticed that the guys were all sitting in the hallway outside my door. They looked half asleep, wait, Jake is actually asleep. Ew, he's drooling all over his shirt.

They all looked up when I cleared my throat, well except for Jake, but Axel kicked him and he shot up and started mumbling about a chicken in a tutu...? Gosh, he must have weird dreams.

"Finally, we've been waiting out here for hours!" Jax and Max groaned at the same time. You know, I never have understood the whole twins doing that at the same time thing. Do they practice doing that together in their spare time, or is it like reading each others minds? The world may never know.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone snapped their fingers in front of my face. It was Jackson. I then noticed that the guys were only wearing nice jeans and a button up with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows.

"What took you so long anyways?" Jake questioned as he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

"It takes time to look this good," I stated dramatically while striking a ridiculous pose. The guys chuckled and rolled their eyes at me.

"Ya, she had to put a pretty mask on over that ogre face of hers," Axel muttered, but we all heard it. I gasped and slapped his arm. Usually he's quiet, but I guess tonight is one of the rare nights where he thinks he's a frickin comedian. "If I'm an ogre does that make you my Shrek?" I asked with a confused face and my head tilted to the side. And with that said I strutted off towards the staircase that leads to the living room of the pack house.

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