Who are you?

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So my chapters got all mixed up and this chapter actually happened before the last one, No One Told Me. So the reason she was all freaked out was because of what happens in this chapter so just wanted to let you know.


I went to the top floor and allowed myself a smile. The familiar smells and sounds comforted me. As I was about to open the door the 4 dogs that I currently had in this household ran out the dog door and went straight for the stairs, without even looking at me. 

"Well, hello to you to."

The cat that stayed on the shelves barely even lifted his head when I walked in. 

Good to know I'm appreciated, I thought. 

Not only was there dogs and a cat, but I was taking care of a turtle, snake, and a hamster. They mainly just kept to themselves though. I use to raise and take care of a lot more, but ever since I put up my new website this summer people from local towns and cities have contacted me wanting to get an animal As I approached the stairs to go play outside with the dogs , my cellphone rang. It was an unknown number.


"Hi! I'm so glad you answered! My name's Lisa and I recently saw your website, and was wondering if you by chance had any dogs available?" the person asked. 

"Ya, actually, I do. Do you have a specific time you want to come by?"

"As soon as possible would be nice." 

"Well, I'm here right now if you want to stop by."

"Alright we should be there in about an hour." 

With that said she hung up. I spent the next hour playing fetch and wrestling with the dogs. At one point Bernard, a full grown Great Dane, had sat on Dane, a baby Saint Bernard, and almost crushed him to death. I was laughing at Dane chasing his tail when I heard a car door slam. Laughter and shouts could be heard from the driveway, and I walked around to meet them. 

A young boy and girl, who appeared to be twins, jumped out of the car and anxiously bounced on their heels waiting for their mom to get out. A middle aged woman stepped out of the driver door. She couldn't be more then 40. Her blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and her brown eyes looked tired. The bags under her eyes just served to prove my point. The children were like polar opposites to her. They both had black hair and bright, grey eyes. 

"Hi Lisa. I'm Storm."

"Hi. These are my kids Ben and Lydia."

As soon as the words were out of their moms mouth they both squealed, "Where are the doggies?"

I gestured for them to follow me, and they excitedly skipped behind me. Once the dogs saw them they ran over and thrived for their attention. 

"Can we play with them?" Lydia asked. They both bared an identcial pair of


dog eyes.

"Of course kids, but only if Storm says it's okay," Lisa looked towards me. I simply nodded and they ran off, the dogs chasing after.

Lisa let out a sigh and I looked over. She seemed troubled, so like any normal person would I asked if she was okay. 

"'I'm fine," the look I gave her showed her that I knew she wasn't. "No, I'm really not. My husband of ten years cheated on me, divorced me, and then married the women he was cheating on me with. I should've seen it coming though because no pharmacist has a meeting with their boss every Sunday. I mean, what kind of person does that, not to mention that he had kids, and they look exactly like him, so everytime I look at them, I'm reminded of him and what he did to me!" She took a deep breath and continued, but softer this time, "I'm only worried about them, and what might happen. What if they don't like the new guy I'm seeing? There dad doesn't even want to see them. What if they start asking to see him? What am I going to do?" By now she was crying and I don't think I've ever seen someone cry so hard. 

I was never very good at comforting people so I gently placed a hand on her shoulder and hoped it would help. She rubbed the tears away with a tissue from her purse, and said, Sorry. I didn't mean to unload everything on you, but it just felt nice to tell someone." 

"Um, it's ok, and I think they've picked one out." I pointed at the kids who were walking towards us while they clung to Bernard. 

"Mom! Mom! Look! This one's half horse!" Ben shouted.

Lisa laughed while shaking her head. "No Ben, he's a Great Dane."

"Oh, well, can we still pretend he's half-horse?" Ben persisted with an anxious look on his face.

Lisa simply smiled and looked at me. 

"He's an amazing guard dog, a pure-bred, and very kid friendly. He needs a loving home." 

"We'll take him." Lisa nodded and pulled out her wallet. "How much?"

"A hundred's fine." Usually it would be 150, but she seemed to need the money for better things. 

"What's his name?" Lydia questioned with curiousity.


"Cooool!" Ben drawed on and opened the back door of their mini-van. Bernard glanced at me, and I smiled reassuringly. 

I pet him goodbye and gave Lisa his papers from the vet. She waved goodbye as she pulled out of the driveway. 

"Thanks again!" she shouted out her window. I waved and walked towards the backyard to get the other three dogs.

What I saw shocked me. My two guard dogs and the puppy were all cowering by the door. What's up with them?

"You know, that was a very nice thing to do, letting her cry while you comforted her. A normal person would have been freaked out, but then again, you're not normal, are you Storm?"

I screamed and whipped my head around. 

I think I might have whiplash. 

The person who spoke had an evil smile and was leaning against a tree. The stranger was wearing a pair of Wrangler jeans, grey t-shirt, and a oh-so-cliche leather jacket. His black hair hung down into his eyes, and he flicked it away .He honestly looked quite mysterious, and hot. 

He chuckled, "Good to know."

"Who are you?"

"Let's just say, that you will be seeing a whole lot more of me, Storm Braxton." With that he let out a large, toothly grin, and I swear I saw a sharp pair of canines, before running off into the woods. It looked like he had disappeared out of thin air, but I knew that was impossible. 

Then again, I could control the elements, and that was supposedly impossible, right? 

This whole ordeal honestly scared the crap out of me, and I was ready to get back to the pack. Ready to get back to Ace. 

Wait, what? 

I did not just think that, but my instincts were telling me that he was the only one who knew what just happened, and that he was the only one who could calm my racing heart.


Hey everyone! So sorry that I couldn't update on time, but I got sick. And I wrote this chapter with my NEW GUINEA PIG on my lap! So yippee for me! Hope you liked it, so adios.

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