8.Unexpected Meeting

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I've been missing school and now it's time for us to come back to school. I went to school early today when I arrived Yerim has arrived too so we went to our class together. She told me to sit near her in the class. Actually, Yerim was my sit mate before the teacher moved her away since she was so loud back then so I hoped she already changed so she won't bother me in the class. "Finally, after so long we finally sit together" she said and hugged me tightly. "can you let go of me? I cannot breathe" I said while hitting her hands so she would release me. "ops, I'm sorry" "it's fine, but do not do it again." I said "yes, mam, btw Y/N are you busy after school?" she asked "Since I had fired from my last job, I don't have anything to do after school, why?" I said while taking my notebook from my bag. "Um... if you don't mind, can you company me to the mall?" she whined "Why though?" I said. "Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday and I want to buy a present for him, so, can you accompany me?? please, I'll treat you to your favorite boba." She offered me. "Sure, it's not because of the boba, but because I have free time so why not." I smiled at her "Yay, thank you Y/N" she said happily and hugged me.




[Time Skip-Mall]

"What will you buy for Jisung?" I asked "I don't know too, what should I get?" she said while scratching her head. "Tell me what he likes, maybe I can give you some ideas" I suggested "That's actually a good idea Y/N. Jisung recently liked into fragrant smells" she said. "How about you buy him a perfume?" I spoke "That's good, let's go" she dragged me to a branded store full of fragrant. "I'll help you find a good one" I told her "Okay you go this way and I'll go that way" "okay" with that we parted away, when I was looking for some good perfumes, I saw Jay and his friends came to the store. I wanted to greet him but he didn't go inside the store so I discouraged my intention to greet him, I continued to look for some good perfumes but when I saw a perfume with good packaging, I couldn't reach the top of the shelf then someone approached and helped me got the perfume I wanted. "Here, it actually smells so good, your boyfriend must be like it, you have good taste" he said while smiling "Ah... but unfortunately it's not for my boyfriend it's for my best friend's boyfriend. But thank you for suggesting this perfume I'll show her later" I smiled at him "No problem" he smiled "I'm sorry for wasting your time" I apologized "No No No, you didn't waste my time, I just walked around while my friends looking for new perfumes" he said while smiling brightly, I don't know why but this guy always smile and I should admit he has a pretty nice smile. "Ah... I see, but once again thank you...." I stopped at the end of my sentence because I don't know his name. "Sunoo, my name is Kim Sunoo" he introduced his self "Ah... nice to meet you Sunoo, my name is Y/N" I said and held out my hand and he reached and shook it with my hand. "What a beautiful name for a pretty girl like you" he praised me "I'm not that pretty" I said completely blushed "Yes you are, btw are you from Seoul high school?" he asked me "Ah... yes I'm" replied "Perhaps do you know Jisung, Kim Jisung??" he asked. "Ah... he is my best friend's boyfriend, do you know him?" I asked "Yes, he is my cousin but I haven't met him for a while, umm... it may sound irreverent since we just had known each other but can I have your number?? We can be a friend" he smiled "Sure" he handed me his phone and I saved my number in his phone. "Thank you, Y/N, I'll text you later this night" he said that but before he could continue his sentence his friend called him "I guess I should go now, see you around, Y/N" he bided his last goodbye and disappeared with his friends. "Ah... Dwight high school, it's an expensive high school where I used to imagine myself go there, no wonder why he dressed up neatly and looked expensive but he's so friendly" I said it inside my mind and went to find Yerim. "Yah, why took you forever to find perfume?" Yerim asked me "Ah... I'm sorry I talked with someone, but here, he recommended me a good perfume" I handed her the perfume. 

 "Wow, this's actually the perfume that Jisung had been looking for, thank you, Y/N

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"Wow, this's actually the perfume that Jisung had been looking for, thank you, Y/N. I'll go purchase this, so you wait here then we can go to your favorite boba café." I just nodded to her and she left me to pay for the perfume. After she had done paying for the perfume, we went to my favorite boba place and she bought me the boba. We ended our day by looking around at the mall and then she drove me home.

P.S: Yerim and Jisung are from wealthy family but they still went to a public school. Yerim is so kind, warmhearted, and humble, she's the only person who wanted to be my friend. She has been dating Jisung since our first year of school so they have been together for almost 2 years.

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