.2. ʙɪᴛɪʟᴀsᴀɴᴀ

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The woman had not lied when she had mentioned the beginner class to be full. The mats were fighting for space and the students seemed eager to edge as close as possible to the front of the room, where the teacher was presently conducting breathing exercises with his eyes closed. Which is why Taehyung thought it fit to steal glances.

It was a wonder, how this instructor had managed to find him a spot in the already cramped space, moving his own mat to fit Taehyung's who was basically doing the class next to him. As he took in the envious glares he felt coming his way, the student hushed his inner complaints and focused on the teacher's smiling profile. "Let's start on all fours for a couple of cat-cows and get the flow going."

All fours. Here we go.

"Now inhale and arch your back, lifting your gaze up."

He was to do what now? Arch his back? Taehyung looked around and quickly assessed the situation. Everyone was dropping their spine, sticking their chin up and lifting their tailbone.

"As you exhale, round your back and come into cat pose, bringing your chin toward your chest."

That was easy enough. But why couldn't he move? Taehyung was stuck in that all-fours pose, feeling so stiff and out of place. Even his breathing was erratic. All he managed to do was drop his head and face the floor.

This was a bad idea.

As he considered rolling up his mat and leaving, he heard a soft — almost velvety — voice talk into his ear. "Try to take deep breaths," it whispered.

Yet even something as basic as that Taehyung seemed to have forgotten how to do. All he could achieve were short puffs. Clearly, the beginner's class was still too difficult for a newb like him. Despite the words of encouragement, Taehyung decided that this endeavour was futile and that he should now convince his manager that yoga was most certainly not helping lower his cortisol levels.

He barely moved for the rest of the hour, earning several frowns from fellow students, which made him feel even more horrible since he knew the teacher had gone out of his way to get him a spot in that room.

Once the final namaste greeting was over, the young man stood up and walked toward the kind instructor who, thankfully, was not frowning. In fact, he looked concerned. "I realize you went out of your way for me to try out your lesson, and for that I am grateful. But I don't think yoga is my thing."

The other's eyes seemed to sadden at that. "I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable, Taehyung, was it?"

"Yes, and please, don't apologize! Mister—?"

"I believe we're not that far apart in age. Please feel free to call me Jungkook."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I just want to say that my decision has nothing to do with you."

"That's a relief, I guess. May I then ask what it has to do with?"

"I'm — I just — I don't know, really. Perhaps I'm not used to these poses which make me feel somewhat — vulnerable."

"If this was your first time, it's completely understandable. You should know that yoga is all about empowerment. With a little practice, I guarantee you'll soon feel a boost of confidence."

Taehyung sighed. "Confidence was never a problem for me. I'm here because I'm dealing with some anxiety issues. And so far, this new environment has really brought out my self-consciousness. It's as if I don't fit in, and it's adding another layer of stress to my life which I definitely don't need right now."

The teacher regained his smile. "I see what you mean and I understand how uneasy and intimidating Yoga can be at first. The asanas, the weird vernacular—"

"Exactly! All those names that I have to learn! Should I bring a dictionary next time?"

They both let out a heartfelt laugh. "So, you are signing up then." Jungkook had to make sure he did not misunderstand.

"Well. Your class is full."

"Janet, a colleague of mine, has a lesson that starts at 9:00 AM. I believe there aren't as many students in that group. You'll probably be more at ease with fewer people around."


"Yes. Come with me. We'll check availability."

Jungkook was already walking out the door when Taehyung objected. "That won't be necessary!"

The other looked confused for half a second before a lightbulb switched on in his head. "Oh. I remember now. You had specifically requested a male instructor."

Indeed, Taehyung had.

"I don't want to pry but, why?"

"Well, I tried out several other studios before arriving here. And I find all female instructors to be of the — touchy-feely type, and frankly, I'm not so comfortable with that."

At the sight of the slight pout that had appeared on Taehyung's face, Jungkook couldn't help but find it oh. so. freakin'. cute. "I trust my female colleagues to have been nothing but professional in their effort to rectify the pose, in order to prevent injury," Jungkook kindly pointed out while trying very hard to keep it together for the scenery in front of him was truly charming.

"Injury? Are you saying I could have hurt myself whilst attempting to do the cow?"

"Cat-cows are not exactly known for inducing bodily harm, but yoga injuries do happen."

"Perfect! I can use that argument to convince my manager to get me off the hook!"

Damn it.

"Well, whatever you choose to do, I really hope you find a way to get that stress under control."

"Thank you, Jungkook. And for your time as well."

As they shook hands, Jungkook decided that his name uttered by Taehyung's raspy voice was now his favourite sound in the whole world.

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