.17. ᴠɪsɪᴛᴀsᴀɴᴀ

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Visiting hours started at 8 AM but both Jimin and Jungkook agreed that they had had too much to drink to be functioning properly so early in the morning. They aimed for nine and arrived at the hospital at ten o'clock, a little groggy. Jimin got the room number from the receptionist before pulling Jungkook toward the elevators. "Third floor."

Hoseok was on his phone when they knocked on the door. "Can we come in?"

"You guys are here!" The dancer turned emotional at the sight of his younger friends visiting, with looks of great concern etched on their faces. Or maybe it was just lack of sleep.

Both visitors, however, seemed horrified by the size of the cast on Hoseok's right foot. "This doesn't look good, hyung."

The patient tried to smile in order for them not to worry too much "It's fine! Surgery went well and the doctor says I should be able to perform again in — four months."

Jimin had to place a hand on his mouth to prevent a sob.

"Four months is a long time, hyung." Jungkook was eyeing the cast nervously.

"That's the usual recovery time for a tendon rupture." There was a heavy sigh, one that filled the younger with dread. Hoseok was now watching him expectantly.

"Hyung, please. Don't look at me like that."

"Have you given it any thought, at least?"

"It kept me up half the night."


The last thing Jungkook wished for was to sound petty by admitting that he was still a little pissed at his hyung for having told Taehyung about his one-sided crush. Hoseok had sent a text apologizing profusely for his indiscretion, but that didn't change the fact that Taehyung now knew. And this unbidden awareness just made him want to curl up in a corner and die of embarrassment already. Needless to say, Jungkook was not quite ready to do his hyung a favour. Which is why he remained quiet.

"Come here." Hoseok was patting the bed next to his leg and Jungkook decided the least he could do was listen to the other's arguments. So he sat, and waited.

"I've been stuck in this room for twelve hours, which is plenty of time to think about things like karma, you know?" Hoseok's tone had lowered significantly, a clear sign he was now discussing a very serious matter.

"Hyung, don't be silly." Jungkook was trying to keep the conversation light. Solemn Hoseok was too dramatic for his liking.

"No, but seriously. This is like the universe telling me that I have to do right by those I have wronged. And that includes you."

"Hyung, the universe doesn't speak in Achilles tendon. That's just bad luck."

"Don't you see? This is an opportunity for you to sort out whatever needs sorting out between you and — Taehyung!"

All eyes diverted to the door, where said Taehyung was presently standing, looking all confused at the crowd around Hoseok's bed.

Awkward did not begin to describe the tension wafting through the air around them. They greeted each other briefly and Jimin even managed to introduce himself with a polite nod. Taehyung finally sat in the chair opposite Jungkook before asking quietly, "hyung, w-what happened?"

"Don't worry about it. I should have taken that tendonitis seriously. It's my fault really, always pushing my limits." He tried laughing the whole thing off but his cheeriness didn't catch on. Reverting to his big brother stance, he felt compelled to question Taehyung's presence. "Shouldn't you be at practice?"

"I was. But you weren't. It was Suri who mentioned your injury."

There was an annoyed sigh. "This girl — not the brightest."

"Tell me about it."

Hoseok looked surprised. "You have issues with her?"

"Nah. Don't worry. It's nothing."

"Taehyung! You should inform me of stuff that bugs you."

"It's no big deal. Really."

Hoseok was going to whine some more about Taehyung not speaking his mind when Jungkook interrupted. "Taehyung is not the kind to complain. He endures the pain in silence. And he'd rather resort to white lies to avoid hurting someone else's feelings."

That last sentence had been uttered so faintly it was a miracle anyone had even heard it.

"Jungkook—" The young man, who had lowered his head to hide his flusteredness, raised his eyes to meet those of Taehyung, presently gazing at him fondly.

Jungkook shrugged to defuse the unease floating about the stuffy room. "It's true."

Hoseok could only approve. "This proves you know Taehyung pretty well. Which is another reason why you'd be perfect as my replacement."

Taehyung almost fell off his chair.

Hoseok pretended not to notice Jungkook's crimson ears and went on to praise the boy's dancing skills, crisp moves and flawless routines. "No one slut drops like he does," he concluded.

Taehyung gulped loudly, and the blushing Jungkook wished he could just fade into nothingness. "Hyung," he grumbled, "You forget I teach yoga now."

"And I'm sure you're a wonderful instructor because of that notorious devotion of yours. But hyung needs you now, more than ever! Think about it: where else am I going to find someone who can learn a whole choreo and be ready to perform live in less than twelve days?"

This time, it was Jungkook who nearly lost his balance. "Twelve days?!"

Taehyung, who'd been struggling to take sides (forgive him for being curious about Jungkook's slut drop, which he now had to see), ended up flying to Jungkook's rescue. "I'm sure anyone else on the team could fill in for you. Besides, choreographer Son probably won't even let Jungkook audition on such short notice."

"I talked to Sungdeuk hyung already. He's willing to give Jungkook a chance because I recommended him."


"Taehyung, even if someone on the team switches places, we'd still have an empty spot to fill."

"We can work around that, you know. Tweak the patterns a little so it's not that obvious—"

Hoseok rolled his eyes. "You forget the whole theme of the choreo! Mirroring, lead and follow, they all require duos! You can't do that with an odd number of dancers. And I can't ask one of them to willingly drop the performance to keep it even."

They'd reached an impasse. Jungkook, whose lips had swollen because of him biting on them so hard, piped up. "I could give it a try, I mean, only if—"

Jungkook had no idea where the courage to gaze into Taehyung's eyes came from, but for the briefest moment, he allowed himself to bask in the warmth of those gorgeous brown orbs staring back at him with adoration.

At least that's what he wished it was.

"Only if?" Hoseok urged on.

"Only if Taehyung agrees to it."

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