.5. sʜᴏʀᴛ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴀsᴀɴᴀ

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There was a brief inhalation before a gruff voice asked, "is this Jungkook by any chance?"

"Yes, it is," replied the instructor, smiling. "Taehyung, I presume?"

The loud sigh at the end of the line had Jungkook all confused. "Finally!"

"What do you mean, finally?" he enquired, slightly discomposed.

"I read seven as one, and I swear your fives look nothing live fives. I have been dialling wrong numbers for the past — I don't know, fifteen minutes or so, and was just about to call it quits."

Jungkook bumped his forehead with his fist, ashamed of his never-ending ineptitude and positively horrified at the idea that Taehyung would have given up on him because of his sloppy handwriting. "I'm so sorry. I should not have written on your [very soft and very beautiful] hand. I don't know what I was thinking."

"No need to apologize for that. I'm glad you did actually. I lose every single piece of paper I am ever handed."

Was Taehyung trying to make him feel better? It sure sounded like it. There was a pause during which Jungkook regained a little composure. "So, do you still wish to take yoga classes? [or do you just want to chat because I'm also up for that.]"

"Yes, yoga. Absolutely. When can we start?"

"The earlier the better. For your stress, I mean."

"Well, how about tomorrow then? My schedule's fairly open."

"Tomorrow would be great! I'll text you the address. How does 11:00 AM sound?"

"Perfect. To tell you the truth, I'm not a morning person."

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow, at 11 sharp!"




Jimin smirked, sipping his beer. "You didn't mention your fee," he pointed out.

"Shit. You're right. He didn't even ask."

"Bet you'd be willing to teach him for free."

"Shut up."

"Does he know he has to bring his own mat?"

"Oh. Right. I'll lend him one of mine."

"It's so obvious you've never given private yoga lessons," teased Jimin.

"There's a first for everything," Jungkook reminded him, not about to let his hyung put a damper on his mood.

"And what location did you have in mind? Surely not your home address."

"Why not?"

"You live in a tiny duplex, Jungkook. There is barely any room for a single mat on the floor. Are you planning to have him sit on your lap or what?"

Jungkook tried hard to look offended but it was too late. "Stop putting images in my head, hyung," he whined despite the growing corners of his lips doing nothing to cover his bashfulness.

"Hey. You know I'm all for skinship and you boldly going after your man like that, but until we determine whether this interest is mutual, I suggest you keep it professional."

"That means we have an emergency because I don't have a plan B. Hyung! Please help me," he pleaded, eyelashes fluttering in dramatic desperation.

Jimin took another sip, savouring this moment which he guessed would be short-lived. Once Jungkook got the assistance he needed, he would move on without giving him a second thought. Or even a thank you for that matter. Yet Jimin did always have a soft spot for his insufferable maknae. Besides, the infamous starry-doe-eye aggression was not something he could easily fight off. "Fine," he surrendered. "You can try calling Hoseok hyung to check the availability of his dance studio."

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