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No matter how many times he'd seen the man do it, Jungkook still marvelled at Taehyung's perfect standing forward fold. His boyfriend would release all the tension from his neck and shoulders, letting his head gently sway from side to side, nose brushing against his slightly bended knees. Taehyung would then slowly unfold, raising his hands above his head before bringing them against his chest.

Opening his eyes again, Taehyung would stare in wonder at the crowd with a peaceful smile on his face before holding up his mic and asking, "have you all stretched enough? Are you ready to party?"

The music would start and he'd turn to Jungkook who, as usual, would be so caught up in his ogling that he'd missed his cue to sing his first lines, making concertgoers coo at his rightly flustered state.

Never, in his wildest dreams, would he have imagined he'd be one day standing on a stage with Taehyung by his side, looking into his gaze as he crooned would it be alright if I pulled you closer while lacing their fingers for everyone to see.

And not only did everyone see. Everyone supported.

Jungkook finally understood what Seokjin had meant by "paying closer attention to pulsating trends." The tides had been turning for a while now, despite mainstream media disregarding them entirely. Granted, underground pop culture had always been about upending norms and laying received ideas to rest. But as he stared at the thousands gathered at Seoul's epic Live Hall, he reckoned their present success was quite far from the confidential venues he first believed they'd be playing as an openly gay duet.

Signing Seokjin's contract had propelled him onto the front pages of every entertainment media outlets in South Korea, something Jimin had lost sleep over for several nights. However, the young CEO had been right in his predictions. The majority of Taehyung's fans were ready — if not eagerly waiting — for such an act to materialize. Haters may have been loud on social media, their numbers were insignificant. Their boycott of the boys' first release did not affect the track's performance on the charts in the slightest. The Jungkook antis soon dropped out of sight, much to everyone's relief.

U4ri-T (the name they debuted under) became a recurring trend on Naver's search index, contributing to their ever-growing popularity among the young and the old alike. The fact that they both boasted spotless credentials in terms of public image certainly helped them gain widespread sympathy.

Online content creators picked up on the buzz their fans generated and made sure to cover their news on a regular basis, giving them further exposure. Their socials were also closely monitored and every time they were spotted on a date in Seoul or elsewhere, the place they had visited would be swarming with newfound clientele within the following 24 hours. That is how they sold out Jimin's shows on more than one occasion.

They got invited on numerous TV programmes where the hosts never failed to ask them how they had met. Not once had their story changed.

"I was a yoga teacher."

"And I was a stressed out trainee."

"Do you still have time for yoga?" they would enquire.

"We make time for it. Daily."

A request for a brief showcasing of their stretching skills would ensue, allowing for much laughter on set as Taehyung would lay down on his back and say, "Savasana, my favourite pose," while Jungkook would simply gaze, his dark orbs sparkling with fondness.

Jungkook's most cherished concert memory was Taehyung's reminder to the crowd that he was in fact "a good boy". Jungkook's smile would grow so big it made his eyes crinkle. Raising his own mic to his lips, he'd wait for the audience's aww-ing to die down before playfully adding, "he sure is." And the fans would go wild once more.

Their two-hour-long shows were always filled with moments both sweet and flirty. These were precious to them as they were shared with loving fans who had wholly embraced the idea of them being romantically involved. The support they had received never failed to surprise them, and they would inevitably finish in tears, grateful for the sincere devotion of their admirers who called themselves Boras.

They'd celebrate backstage with the staff, including Namjoon and sometimes even Seokjin, before heading back home to the cosy house they had acquired in the small Buam-dong neighbourhood — a quiet area with a more than decent café nearby and mountainous trails galore, where they would wander for hours on end.

And on days when the weather was nice and they had finished their schedule early, they'd take Fifi and Yeontan out to Nanji Park and watch the sun set on the ever-changing cityscape, acknowledging their luck in having found each other in a metropolis of 10 million people.

"What if we broke up, would you keep singing?"

Jungkook blinked a few times, wondering whether he had heard that correctly. Why did Taehyung sound so serious all of a sudden? "Tae, babe. Why do you ask?"

"Sometimes the lines get a bit blurry you know. Between music and personal life. I mean, most of our tracks are about us. I can't imagine going solo at this point. I'd have no more writing material."

Cute giggles erupted in the dying sunlight. "If you were to go solo, you'd probably sing about the schmuck who had you and foolishly let you go."

"And who might they be?"

"Not me, for sure." Wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, Jungkook placed soft kisses all over his pouty lips. "I'll leave the day you want me out of your hair."

"Fat chance!"

"Why is that?"

"Because then you'll be the one singing about that schmuck who had you and let you go!"

"Right. Let's not be schmucks then."

"Agreed. Let's not."

Funny, they thought, how the first kiss they had shared three years prior under those very stars had led them back to where it all started. Except today, they were not facing the world alone. This time around, Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook had a whole purple milky way carrying them onward, into glorious futures they could not wait to explore.

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