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Rihetha lived a perfect life until the age of thirteen. Everything changed one day in the fall. It was one day and it was a day she remembered well. Because it was the only day her kingdom ever saw such heavy fog that the clouds descended and blanketed the world. Some might argue that she exaggerated her life but she had proof that that day existed. That she'd lived it. Because that was the day she'd been cursed.

"Come away from the window, dear," nurse said.

But Rihetha preferred the window. The air was fresh and crisp. It was a wonderment seeing the world fall into dark yet white clouds.

That wasn't all that caught her interest, something was coming. Something was cutting through that fog.

Metal clanged as the door swung open and slammed into the wall.

"She's here. Get everything ready. We have but one chance. Keep Rih safe here. Do you hear?"

King Hern was not known for his light footsteps but he was certainly a sight as he raced back down the stairs nimbly.

Nurse ran around, frantic to drag the chest close to the bed. Her plan was to hide behind it.

"Come, child!" she called.

Rihetha, still standing by the window, glanced from the woman's outstretched arms of offered safety and out the window once more.

In the dull gray of the mist, a black line appeared. It moved so slowly that she took it for her imagination. But soon it was close enough for her to see the blob of tar moving through the streets—heading straight for the castle.

"What—what is that?"

"Don't look!"

But Rihetha couldn't help it. The streak paused and rotated backwards, gazing up at her, she knew.

"There's a face," Rihetha marveled. "I see a face!"

"Look away!"

This was an amazing sight. Such a beautiful face morphed from filth.

In time, the blob tilted downward and began its journey once more. Rihetha crossed the room to peer out the next window, more than ready to see the drawbridge hold it back.

To her shock, the bridge wasn't raised.

"It's opened." Rihetha gasped. "I must warn Father."

"What are you doing, child? You will be killed!"

Nurse was always one for gross exaggeration, so Rihetha ignored her and rushed out the door and down the unending steps.

The hall stretched out before her. No matter how fast she ran, her body failed to reach the end.

Beyond it was the throne room and she had to warn her father. Eons passed before she touched the stone wall and turned right, emptying into the throne room.

She took a tumble. But it was what she saw of the palace officials that made her stumble back.

The blob was here. It should have been far away still, and yet, here it stood. But that wasn't all, kneeling before it, the king and queen bowed their heads.

A strong streak ran from the front door right to the throne. In this close proximity, Rihetha could see. Dirt. The blob was dirt. In the shape of a...a woman. A beautiful woman.

When the voice came, it sounded strangled and forced, an entity unfamiliar with this form of communication, perhaps. It was dirt, but the voice resembled someone drowning, gasping for each breath.

"You wished to capture me, King Hern, but that is unnecessary. I know what it is you seek and how you can receive that blessing."

"Goddess, no," the king insisted. "I would never do such a thing."

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