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In the enchanted forest, everything lived. Of course, this was true for all forests, but the way each entity, even plant-life, moved like an animal was not.

And yes, more than a few were dangerous. Vines could creep over someone's body as they slept, tighten slowly during the night, and strangle the intruder to use its carcass for food in the soil.

As beautiful as the woods were, and it was vivid, far more vivid than anything Rihetha had ever witnessed, she could see the danger of it as well. Therefore, it was always important to note where other creatures refused to go.

Till now, she, Wyrn less so, could roam anywhere without fear. On the rare occasions when they'd fallen asleep out here, when Rihetha had fallen from a branch during the night, something, be it tree or troll, had caught her and returned her to her purchase.

None caught Wyrn. Ever.

The fairy kings had been awful beings, apparently, and they were the only ones reincarnated, again and again. This was the first incarnation that didn't rule the land with violence.

So while Rihetha thought his treatment unfair, everything in the forest, including Wyrn himself, had long memories.

Wyrn would never be attacked, but not rescued either.

One place of danger stood out, the only area with a heavy overgrowth of trees. Even as they flew towards it, Rihetha felt uneasy. More than once, Wyrn came back to take her hand when she slowed.

"We can go back," Wyrn suggested.

Matax zipped to a stop before them, ready to curse. One look at Wyrn's face changed his expression. He...forced...the polite response.

"I'd rather you didn't. You can feel how dead it is here."

That was true.

Rihetha worried. "Is it dangerous?"

Matax scoffed. "Not for him. This was his favorite spot!"

Wyrn gave no response, not until Rihetha looked to him for honesty.

Finally, he nodded. "He speaks truth." He hesitated once then confessed, "But there's a reason for that."


He didn't answer as he took her by the hand and tugged her on. Their wings fluttered faster and they hummed along.

The path to this part of the forest had long since faded, leaving random patches as a testament to it ever having existed.

Once they broke through the thick leaves of the willow trees, they saw it.

Rihetha gasped. The lake was amazing, the water so blue it looked fake. And flying above the water, her feet dragging along the surface, buzzed Jeze.

Back and forth she went, covering the length of it. She swept along, not at all that fast, part for part, shoreline for shoreline until she'd crossed the entire lake, every part of it.

And when she was done, she started it all again.

There wasn't much to see of her face; the despondent expression didn't fade. Her pace didn't fade either. Like some strange machine, she skimmed the surface of the water...looking for something.

"For what does she search?" Rihethe asked.

Matax didn't turn to her after she spoke, in fact, he turned to Wyrn, waiting for an answer.

Wyrn didn't make eye contact with either of them. He hove a sigh when he said, "Hope."

"Hope? Whatever does that mean?"

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