7 | Rescue

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Vadde's first encounter with the hunchback was two days later once she found the strength to stand on her own. Shaza wasn't as bad as first impressions suggested.

They'd spent most of the day together, getting familiar with the homes atop the mountain. On their hillside, upwards of twenty little huts rested around a bigger structure. Vadde would have mistaken it for a village if not for the knowledge that only Wyrn's family inhabited each one. Some were empty in anticipation for travelers and others were empty in anticipation for...wives. Therefore, Vadde received a hut all of her own.

Today was the first time she'd exited. Life here and life back home were a stark contrast. For one, people smiled whenever they passed by instead of startling at the sight of her then hurrying away. And it looked warm and inviting rather than out of duty. This noisy place was nothing like the stillness of a tepid castle.

If not for Vadde's growling stomach, she would have considered herself rescued.

The fading light of day crawled over the land as she peered down at the actual village which stretched out, filling the valley.

None of that was of concern. All Vadde wanted was dinner. She'd foregone breakfast as Shaza walked into her room and announced that Aggu was simply too busy to provide it. Never mind the breadcrumbs on her lips as she spoke.

At the time, Vadde was too hungry to argue. Shaza was a bit strange, but she'd given Vadde a good amount of dresses. Vadde wore a red one to Shaza's green for dinner.

From the outside, the house looked small but inside was surprisingly big. The eating table was massive. It reminded Vadde of the one in the castle. A castle she'd never see again.

A hand slipped around her waist, lighting her up with panic until Aggu leaned forward to see her face.

"This way, dear. You can sit with me."

But a quick scan of the room showed couples side-by-side. At the far end of the table, the hunchback sat by himself, taking great interest in the wood. His area was more than free.

Vadde considered it and reminded herself that Aggu knew the truth—somewhat and was trying to be nice. Anyway, it was best to not spur the hunchback to anger. She barely recognized him if not for his back.

Despite the crowded room, he inhabited a space all his own. Something unsettled her when she looked at him. In a flash, she understood. She saw herself in his solitude—quietly trying not to be an imposition to anyone. Even Aggu holding Vadde near while guiding her, though unfamiliar, felt safe. Her own mother hadn't done this in so long. So no, Vadde was in no hurry to join the hunchback in being alone...together.

As Vadde opened her mouth to thank Aggu for her consideration, another hand yanked her along. "It's all right, ma'am. I'll take care of her."

Shaza plopped Vadde right next to the one person she was trying to avoid. The hunchback flinched. Upon turning to see Vadde, he leaned away so starkly that she expected him to stand and perhaps seek a more favorable spot.

He took her in, studying her somehow behind the curtain of brown hair. Did he wear the same scowl now as at the tournament? She tried to greet him for politeness's sake but he rose with his bowl in hand.

"Brother, where are you going?" a voice thundered.

Vadde looked up into the face of a god. The man was unreal. He didn't wear as many layers as the hunchback. And he was massive, with gentle green eyes and full red lips. That jawline could very well cut an enemy's throat.

"Bonn," he said to her, extending a hand.

Body having gone limp, Vadde gawked at him. She must have offered her hand because when she came back to reality, he held her fingers and brought her limp appendage up and down in a shake.

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