19 | Pact

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Vadde awoke to a beautiful, beautiful day. Colors were brighter. The birds' songs were more uplifting. And the gentle snore against her chest, accompanied by the drool was by far the best thing she'd ever felt.

Within all these glorious aspects of the day, she couldn't help but feel like she'd...forgotten something very important. Something...very important.

Try as she might, nothing came to her, so she instead focused on Wyrn's hard member pressed against her leg. He was barely hanging from the bed, most of his body on hers for support. Every second of every minute he got heavier and heavier but she would rather nothing else. He slept erect. Was that common for men, or just Wyrn, she wondered.

It was so strange seeing him sleep. When she leaned away, he curled onto his side, and she did the same. Now was her chance and she took it—she brushed his hair aside. The new cut wasn't one she liked at first—it was tradition for some sort of ceremony—but now it was even easier to see his stern face.

In her eyes, he glowed.

She took a peck and smiled when he swatted at his nose. So, she bit his cheek next and he reacted like a cat, scratching at the air.

But it was when she ran her hand down his bare hip and between his legs that he crouched up. His lips puckered and she turned to give him her back. What she wanted was to mount his lap, but he looked too tired for that.

He moved on his own when their positioning was set. His eyes were closed but today he was familiar enough with her body to meet his mark and enter her with ease.

She gripped his hand, and he gnawed her shoulder, letting her know he was awake.

"Is it a crime what you've just done?" he teased.

She bit his fingertips, pleading, "Then punish me."

Forehead pressed against her back, he said nothing at all beyond some gentle shouts he muffled against her skin.

How could hearing someone take pleasure in her be equally as pleasing? When he tried to reach for her breasts, she slapped his right hand.

"Not after you've complained about them so."

Breathing heavy by her ear, he begged, "Please."

It came with him running his hands up her body until he took hold without her guidance. Once he teased her until each thrust came with a muffled cry on her part, he ran his hands down her body and held her waist, taking her with more vigor.

This seemed so unlike him.

She was concerned until he said, "I wish to see your face."

Despite his words, he didn't want to part with her either, so she was forced to turn, positioned along his lap.

He was a quiet lover, stifling his need with several kisses. "I don't want you to leave," he said.

The words came with hurt but she was the one truly wrecked. "I never want to leave you," she admitted.

"My back—"

"I do not care. Stop talking nonsense."

"But last night," he said, slowly though he continued to gently slide in and out of her. "You said you were unsure."

Had she?

She couldn't recall.

"No. Of course not." That nagging feeling came again, and she blinked to return the bright colors of the room to normal in her eyes.

That was when she saw the first little person fluttering above. It was naked, its skin color red. And it was a female. A blue one flew to join the first and they held hands.

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