Chapter 10 - Riley

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Two weeks! I have been in and out of consciousness for two whole weeks. It seems surreal, I still feel like I was in the fire where my parents were taken away. My parents I start crying just thinking about them. My Uncle Charles was my new guardian but as soon as I got out of the hospital he drove me to a house I have never seen before. Come to find out he bought a house for me.

"Your sixteen now Riley, you can take care of yourself. I have two children of my own a company to run. I don't have time for another kid. You'll get a allowance every week from your inheritance."

I just nodded because I felt numb. I really didn't care about anything at the moment.

Did he really think I care about a damn inheritance? I just lost my parents for God's sake.

Now it's the day of the funeral and I just can't seem to get emotional about it. Sam is on one side of me, Lendze on the other, and then Blake behind me with his hands on my shoulders. I'm grateful for them being here but I just feel empty. I don't feel the sparks that always went through my body when Blake touched me, now I feel... nothing. I want to cry because of the emptiness I feel. I want to scream because I want that something with Blake but it all has changed.

Am I horrible for not crying?

I look out into the vast of people not paying attention to what is being said when I see someone. I tug on Blake's arm.

"What is it wildfire?"

I look over my shoulder to look at him. "Please don't call me that." The look of hurt on his face and the looks of shock from my friends, should do something to me but it doesn't. I should feel bad right now but like I said I'm empty inside.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I look at Blake again. "I'm sorry I just don't want to be associated with fire...I just can't." He rubs his thumb over my hand. "It's okay Ry, I get it." I try to smile but I just can't. "Do you see that girl standing by the tree alone?" He looks around nonchalantly and he looks back at me with eyebrows raised. "Ya Ry, I do."

Okay so at least I'm not imagining things.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

He shrugs his shoulders but I can see the question in his eyes too. "I don't know Ry." I turn back to the service and walk over to my parents caskets and put the single rose for each of them down and walk away. I hear feet coming after me. I need to get away, I feel like I am suffocating and I'm back in that burning house.

"Riley Ann wait up!" I hear Sam call after me, sounding slightly out of breath. When a hand lands on my shoulder I stop and shudder. "Wild...I mean Riley where are you going?" I try to shrug his hand off, but he tightens hold. "Ry, babes we are hear for you." I hear Lendze say, I slowly turn towards my friends and see the pity in their eyes and I hate it, I don't want it.

"We're worried about you Ry" Sam pleads with me. I don't mean to but I can't stop myself.  "Just don't alright! I don't need your pity or your sympathy just Stop!" I don't listen to a word they say as I take off running and don't look back. It's all my fault. My parents are dead and I couldn't do anything to save them because I'm a coward.

When I realize they are not following me I turn into an alley and lean against the wall. That's when the tears fall.

I should have died with them.

"You know being an alley by yourself is not a good idea." I stand up straight and see a guy standing a few feet away with me. I glare at him while I cross my arms over my chest.

"I can take care of myself." I have no choice but to now thanks to my Uncle. The guy chuckles and it pisses me off more. He takes a step closer to me and I can see his features better. He has black hair with blue-grey eyes with some stubble on his face. "Well a pretty thing like you can get into some trouble hanging around here." I clench my hands into fist as he walks closer.

"Oh fuck off! I don't need your shit!" I'm not going to be scared even if my body is betraying me by shaking a little. He takes a look at me and stops and stares. "Oh shit, your her the girl from the first fire."

Great just what I need another reminder. I start to walk away when I feel a hand grab my wrist. "Don't" I shout and he puts his hands up in surrender. "I was just going to say you look like you need a distraction." He has this smirk on his face that should be a warning sign to stay away, but right now I just don't care.

"What kind of distraction are you talking about?"

Why the hell am I even talking to this guy?

"Whatever kind of distraction you need babygirl."

"Okay what do you have in mind?"

He takes my hand with a wide smile on his face. My brain should be telling me to stop but I just want to feel something.

"Where are we going by the way?"

He looks at me over his shoulder as he tugs me along. "Don't you think you should ask my name first?"

"I really don't care." He stops dead in his tracks and I slam into his back. "Damn it! Why did you stop?" He turns around and outs his hands over his heart. "You know that really hurts my feelings. I don't think I want to show you a good time now." He uses a condescending tone and starts to laugh. Asshole.

"Fine what's your name?"

"I don't think I want to tell you anymore."

I start to turn away and he laughs again. Did I mention what an asshole he is?

"Fine my name is Max."

"Okay Max where are we going?"

He gives me that damn smirk again. "You'll see." He takes my hand again and drags me alongside of him, until we reach a park I've never been to. We walk through the park onto a wooded area and my nerves kick in.

"Are you going to kill me?" He throws his head back and laughs. "You're funny Riley but what would be the fun in that. We are almost there." He guides me to a open area that is surrounded by a small lake.

"Come sit." He pays the ground next to him and sparks up a joint. "You want some?"

I have never did anything remotely like this so I am hesitant. " Hey you said you wanted a distraction, this will make you feel good. Or I got some other things that will."

I take the joint and take a hit off of hit and start coughing like crazy. "People like this crap?" He chuckles "yes we do and you'll see."

I didn't believe him at first but then I started to feel different and I liked it because I felt something at least. I turn my head and smile for the first time since all this has happened. "You know what Max."

"What's that red?" I laugh whole heartedly, maybe it's the pot maybe not but it felt good.

"I think we are going to get along just fine."

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