Chapter 35 -Riley

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I wake up disoriented, I can still smell the smoke. Last thing I remember is seeing Blake. Where is he and what the hell is going on? I hear a beeping sound and see that I'm in the hospital. I lean back and groan. This is the last place I want to be, I hate hospitals.

"Thank God you are okay." Sam rushes over to me and squeezes me tightly. "C-can't breathe Sam." She releases me and wipes her tears. "When Chase called me, I was so scared Ry." I grab her hand and squeeze it to reassure her I'm alright.

I look around and Sam seems to notice the panic in my eyes. "He'll be right back Ry He had to go get a drink, the doctor told him to stay hydrated." I nod my head and close my eyes for a moment. "I should have been there with you." I open my eyes and see her lip quivering. "I'm glad you weren't, it was insane."

I almost jump out of my skin when Lendze comes barreling in. "Damn it Ry don't scare us like that again." She comes and lays by me and squeezes me. "You scared the hell out of us." I lay my head on hers as Sam tries to lay on my other side and holds onto me. "I know but I'm okay. It's crazy that there was three fires on the next street over."

I shudder thinking about everything that happened. Lendz lifts up her head and shakes it in frustration. "They are thinking arsonist. We could have lost you Ry."

"But you didn't." I begin to protest when I hear his voice. I feel like I can breathe again. "She's right wildfire, we could have."

He walks into my room as the girls get up. I take a moment to commit his features to memory. There are bags under his eyes and Blake looks ready to collapse.

"Hi Wildfire"

I blush at the intensity in his eyes. "Hi."

Sam and Lendz kiss my forehead. "We'll be back." I nod at them but don't take my eyes off of Blake. Once they leave he stores over to me. He cups my face with his hands and then his lips are on mine. I sigh in relief that he is okay.

"I'm so glad you are okay." I caress his cheek as he puts his forehead to mine. "My heart almost stopped when I saw you laying there with a weak pulse." When he moves to sit on the bed I see the unshed tears in his eyes.

Before I can say anything more there is a knock on the door. In walks a man to be in his forties I would say with a hint of gray in his jet black hair. "Oh good you're awake. I'm Doctor Michaels, how are you feeling Miss Jacobs?"

"Besides a slight headache I'm okay." Blake goes to stand but I grab his hand to stay.  He turns so he is sitting next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Good to hear. Besides a mild concussion, your vitals are good. I just need to monitor you both for the next four hours. If you are doing okay then you should be able to go home."

Both...what the hell is he talking about?

I look at Blake and he nods his head. He must be talking about him...right?

"Blake's fine Doc he just needs to stay hydrated. No reason he needs to be monitored."

"Oh! I thought you knew. Riley I meant you and the baby."

"What?" I squeak out. I look between Blake and the doctor.

Pregnant!  Yup he said it. Shit! I'm pregnant.

My hand automatically goes to my stomach. I look between both men.Blake hasn't moved, he isn't even blinking.

"Blake" I say nervously biting on my bottom lip.

"Pregnant...we are pregnant." It would be comical watching his facial expressions, if I wasn't scared shitless.

"I'll be back in a little while so we can check on your little one."

With that he leaves and Blake turns towards me. I can't read his facial expression, and that scares me most.

"Say something Blake."

"We're pregnant."

"No dingus I am. You just happened to knock me up."

I say in a teasing manner, even though I am screaming on the inside. I mean what if he doesn't want to have a baby. What do I do then?

Blake gets up and then drops to his knees. I'm about to get up when he leans over and kisses my stomach. When he looks up at me his smile is so bright it reaches his eyes.

"We're having a baby Ry."

"You're okay with this? I mean we haven't even discussed anything like this yet. If you're not ready I understand."

"Wildfire stop your rambling. I'm fucking ecstatic!"

"You are?"

"Yes! We are having a baby!"

"We don't even have a house right now." The tears start falling, this is all too much.

"We'll figure it out love, because soon we will have a baby."

"You'll what?" Sam and Lendze say at the same time. Just as Scott and Chase into the room.

"What did we miss?"

Lendz runs to Scott and he catches her just in time.

"We're having a baby" she says enthusiastically. Scott stumbles a little and I can't help but laugh.

"We're what?"

"Lendz don't mess with the poor man." She sticks her tongue out at me. "You're no fun Ry."

"Well you can blame that on the hormones."

Blake tells the boys we are pregnant. They congratulate us just as the doctor walks back in. We tell him that we want our friends with us to share this moment with us. Once he puts the gel on my stomach and we see the little pea pod, it becomes so real.

Blake holds my hand and kisses my forehead. "Wildfire there's our baby." The tears fall down my cheeks and he wipes them away.

"It looks like you're about five weeks along. You'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat your next visit. Congratulations and next time I come in to check on you if everything looks good you can go home."

Home...Where is that, now that our home is destroyed? Are we really going to be able to do this? Even with all these uncertainties I know I want this baby.

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