Chapter 56- Riley

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"I will not cry; I will not cry." I keep repeating these words. Ah who the hell am I kidding, I know I am going to cry like a baby. My best friend and sister is getting married today. We have talked about this day since we were kids.

"C'mon Ry tell me what you would like your wedding to be." I look up at my best friend and see her brother walk into the room as I try to hide the heat rising into my cheeks as he winks at me. I sigh as I take out a different paper and start drawing. "I don't know Sam; I mean come on we are only thirteen." I look down at the paper and realize that I am drawing a familiar pair of eyes. When I look up, I see Blake look over our way but when our eyes connect, he turns around quickly. Sam waits patiently for me to tell her, So I close my eyes and envision what my wedding would be like. But the only thing I see is Blake and a smile tugs my lips. I know it is a fantasy that will never come true.

"I see a small backyard wedding, with just our closest friends and family. I don't want anything fancy, just small and intimate." I open my eyes and see Blake completely staring at me and I fidget with the bottom of my shirt.

"Is the groom hot?"

I smack Sam's shoulder and she laughs. "Not everything is about looks you know. But yes, he is gorgeous, smart, funny, kind and patient."

"Sounds like he only exists in dreams." she shrugs her shoulders as I sigh. "Yeah maybe." I feel an arm slide around my shoulder, and I turn to see Blake looking at me.

"You know I'm right here wildfire." I feel my heartbeat faster as he looks at me and then I feel popcorn being flung our way, as Sam laughs. "Like Riley would ever marry you numbskull."

I look at Blake and he shrugs his shoulders, "Hey I'm everything Riley described, so why couldn't it be me?" I really need to get over this crush of mine, because right now I so want it to be him.

"I'm pretty sure Tanya, Angie, Mary and whoever else you have tried to swoon over would say differently." My heart sinks at the mention of the other girls. "Yeah, but there is only one Riley Ann." He winks at me and kisses my cheek. Sam launches herself at him and knocks us both over as we laugh. I look at Blake under my eyelashes and I see him looking at me with a look I have never seen before from him, but man oh man does he make my heartbeat faster. God I either need to get over these feelings or wish something comes out of it.

"Ry, we're here." Lendz nudges my shoulder. I look around confused for a second and then realize of course I was thinking about the past, and of course Blake, no matter what it has always been him. I smile at my other best friend and give her a side hug in the seat.

"Who the hell thought we would all be here like this right now?" I say as I smile at her.

"Girl please, I knew we would be forever tied together but not with the men in our lives. Well, you and Blake have always been a different story. Even when no one wanted to admit it."

"Can we go now?" I turn around and see Savannah being impatient. "Sure, tell your aunt we will be right there." The girls wave their hands and exit the car. "Be lucky you don't have triplets, Lendz."

"Oh, I know I thank God every day." She laughs as I shove her arm. "Come on, it's the end of an era Samantha Makenzie is finally getting married." She shouts and I throw my head back and laugh as we head into the church and go help our best friend before she flips out.

There were tears and laughter and some freaking out on Sam's end. Not about getting married, but about not being good enough. "He's put up with you for the past five years so I don't see why he would head for the hills now."

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