Chapter 27 -Riley

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I stood there shocked. I actually had no words. What Sam said completely through me off balance. Blake and I never said those words to each other. I look between him and Sam and if looks could kill, she would be dead by now. As much as I am still angry and hurt at him, I can't deny the way I feel when I'm around him.

There is an internal battle going on with my head and heart. That is until Blake opens his mouth and my heart breaks a little more.

"I'm not in love with Ry."

Just twist the knife in my heart a little more why don't you.

I blink back tears. I will not let him see that he broke me a little more. I come to the realization right now that it will be hard to be just friends.

"I do love Riley as a friend, but I'm not in love with her."

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him.

Fuck him! I don't need him.

"We get the message loud and clear."


Sam starts laughing and we all stare at her like she has gone crazy.

"You should have seen the look on your faces." She bends over clutching her stomach from laughing. "That was priceless."

Now I want to strangle her. "What the hell are you talking about?"

She stands up straight and wipes the tears from her eyes. "I was only paying you two back for what I just walked in on."

My mouth open and closed. I have no words, yet again. Lendze is the one that speaks up.

"That is just cold Sam." She gives me a small sad smile.

"Just fucking great! I'm leaving now since I'm the only one in a towel."

Blake storms out of my room slamming the door shut. Sam winces, she knows she just pissed him off.

"I was only kidding Ry."

"It's okay Sam, but I would really like to get dressed now, and throw Blake's clothes in the dryer."

"Ya we definitely need to talk about that." She raises an eyebrow at me. Lendze intervenes and starts dragging her out of my room.

"Another time Sam. Let Ry get ready. We still need to get ready also."

I mouth thank you to Lendze and she winks at me, as they shut my door behind them. God I love that crazy girl.

I sit on my bed and put my face in my hands and breathe. Blake has not been back for twenty four hours and we were ready to devour each other.

"What the hell am I doing?"

A knock on my door gets me out of thoughts. I open the door and there he stands. God he's gorgeous. I can't go there again, he's off limits.


"Look Ry."

I put a hand up to stop him. I know what comes next.

Regret. God this is going to hurt. No I will stop this first.

"I get it Blake, it was a mistake. It was a spur of the moment decision...on your part. We just got carried away."

He looked like he was going to say something but just shook his head. "Alright Ry, I'll see you tonight."

I shut my door, lean against it and tears fall down my face.

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