Chapter 49-Riley

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These past two months have been crazy to say the least. Unfortunately Blake has been working overtime because of all the new string of fires that have occurred. If this keeps up we will have nothing left of our town. Blake said that it has been utter chaos and he thinks that it will not stop until this person is caught. At first they thought it was the original person suspected of it before, but according to Blake there is something different, they are more sporadic, more dangerous than ever before.

I am now seven months pregnant and I feel like I am ready to pop. I am bedrest for the remainder of my pregnancy  and Blake being the guy that he is, makes sure I am never alone. Which is fine I honestly don't mind, if they didn't hover over me all the damn time. It's Lendze's turn here and right now I just want to finish up this last assignment then I am officially done with college. Taking online classes are so much easier when I am not distracted.

"These babies are keeping me up at all hours. How am I going to do this Lendz, When they are finally here. I'm kinda freaking out here." The closer I get the more nervous I get. What if I am not a good mother? I know most new mothers must feel this way. Lendze can sense my inner turmoil and reaches for my hand.

"You got all of us here for you, no matter what. So stop freaking the fuck out." She gives me that signature look, the one that says you are freaking out for no reason. I slowly get up with Lendze's help. " I need to get out of the house and do something. I'm going stir crazy. " As I pace the room as best as I can, she stops me in my tracks with her hands on my shoulders.

"I know sweetie, just a little bit longer and you will have your little rug rats here." I laugh at that and give her a hug. "You haven't heard from the crazy bitch, have you?" She asks as she pulls away, but not far enough just in case I need her. I love this girl so much.

"No hopefully she got the message last time." She nods her head and then heads to my closet and brings out a bat. When the hell did that get there? She brings the bat to her hand and there is a loud smacking sound. " Good because she will get knocked the fuck out." I shake my head and hold my stomach because I am laughing so hard.

"Shit now I got to pee."

"Well that is my cue to leave. I have to head to work and Blake will be here shortly. If you need anything let me know." She gives me a quick kiss and hug and takes off as I waddle my happy ass to the bathroom. As soon as I finish I hear my phone ring, I swear I should just hang on to it. Now I have to try and get to it before it stops ringing.


"Hey sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay mom. I just feel like I might lose my mind."

I hear her let out a small laugh. " I understand  completely. Look I'm sorry we can't make it over right now. We will be over once we are finished here."

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes dear. I just forgot how much paperwork is involved, and questions we are going to get. I honestly just want this over with. I'll call you soon as we are done. If you are up to it we can come over then."

"Sounds good see you in a little while."

My parents finally took down Ramirez, so they think it is finally over. We have been getting close these last two months, even if we haven't seen much of each other. I text Blake because I am bored out of my mind.

Me: Blake so help me I need to get out of here. I am going to die of boredom.

Sexy Hubby: Wildfire I am sure you will be just fine.

Me: You try being on bedrest

Sexy Husband: I was remember

Me: Yeah and you hated it, as much as I do right now!

Sexy Husband: How about this when I get home, I will take you out if you are feeling okay and take it easy.

Me: Do you even have to ask... YES!

Sexy Husband: Figured as much haha! I'll see you soon love.

Me: Can't wait

I decide to take a nap so I am well rested. I am bound and determined to be able to get out of this house. I wake up to my phone ringing but it's an unknown number, I ignore the call and see that I have been asleep for two hours.

He should be home by now.

I walk to the window and see that his truck is not here yet. I call him and it rings and rings.

"Please pick up Blake."

I decide to call Chris, because most likely Blake will be with Chris.  " Hey Ry, What's going on?"  I chew on my bottom lip for a moment, and take a deep breath. " Is Blake with you?"

"No he left two hours ago saying he had a hot date with his gorgeous wife."

"He's not answering his phone, or text messages. I'm starting to get worried."

" I will see if I can get ahold of him and I will let you know.

"Thanks Chris."

I go to the kitchen and that's when I get a notification that I have a voicemail and I listen to it and am frozen in place.

Riley it's Rick I need to tell you something please call me back. Then I notice another one and hit play. Hey Riley it's important, it's about Angela she is crazy. She blames you for everything and I need to tell you that she is planning... Then the line goes dead. I start panicking and try to call Rick back but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Shit! Just breathe Riley, everything is fine."

I hear a loud crash and nearly jump out of my skin. It sounded like a window breaking. I try to move but I can't. I am frozen with fear, I snap out of it quick. I try to move but my movements are slow. I call my mom and put the volume on low so whoever is here cant hear. I hide my phone in my bra, luckily it doesn't stick out. As I am about to move again I feel a cold metal pressed against my head.

"I wouldn't do anything if I were you."


"Ding...ding...ding! We have a winner!. Thought I forgot about you so easily. Tsk tsk."

I try to stop the tears from falling but it is a lost cause.

"Don't please" I beg. I don't care I will beg all that I have to, to protect my babies. My hand automatically goes to my stomach.

"Don't what? Take everything from you like you did from me! Now Move!" She points to the chair for me to sit in. I do as she says, but I am still confused at what she said.

"I didn't take anything from you."

"Shut UP! Or I swear to God I will put a bullet in you. You stole my life from me!"

I shake my head because I have no idea what the hell she is talking about. " You move one inch and I will not hesitate to pull this trigger." She starts tying me to the chair, I am in full blown panic mode.

"Blake's going to be home any minute." She laughs menacingly at me and this terrifies me even more. " Oh I took care of that problem, Don't you worry about it!"

My body shakes and I feel like my heart hurts. She's lying she has to be.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO BLAKE!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

She hits me in the head with the gun and the last thing I hear before everything goes black is...

"Blake's dead!"

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