Chapter 3

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     It was the next day, and the Host Club was going to follow Reiko Sakamoto for the entirety of the school day. Having an American spy as a classmate was quite a serious matter, and despite most of them believing the activity was a game, the members intended on taking their roles very seriously.

     Reiko- the object of their attention- of course, was completely ignorant of the Host Club's actions. She'd simply gone about her day as though it were any other until she became aware of a subtle shift in her environment. Something had changed, but she couldn't quite place what. "It's probably nothing important," she thought as she passed Mori and Honey in the hallway. The two third years had gotten to school early to hide behind a set of decorative knight's armor and spend the few minutes before class observing her.

     As the day went on, however, Reiko became more aware of an unknown presence in her environment. She felt like she was being watched, but every time she turned around to look, there was no one there.

     These were the twins, who, despite their eye-catching looks, blended perfectly into the crowd of students.

     Aside from the uncomfortable feeling of having eyes trained on her, the silver-haired teen's day seemed as though it would pass as usual. That was until Tamaki Suoh entered the classroom. Every morning, the blond would waltz into the classroom, greet her (and everyone else) brightly, and wish her a happy day. That morning, however, he walked into the classroom and paled considerably as soon as he saw her. He was completely frozen and stared at her with wide eyes as though he'd seen a ghost.

     "Good morning," Reiko greeted as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. His strange behavior added to the unusual feeling she'd been experiencing since she'd arrived at school.

     Despite Tamaki's behavior and what her own instincts were warning her about, Reiko assured herself she was being paranoid. "This is Ouran Academy, they have so many high-profile students they have to have good security... right?"

     Her father, however, was preparing to make an important announcement for both the family and the company. During such a delicate time, she couldn't afford to be interrogated by some journalist that had snuck into the school or get caught up in one of those tabloid scandals Ouran's ridiculous excuse for a school newspaper came up with. Knowing it was better to air on the side of caution, Reiko texted her security guard and her father's publicist to pick her up in a limousine without a license plate and proceeded to the school's lesser-known fifth library. "Maybe I've been stressed about the announcement without realizing it. I probably just need to clear my head," she thought.

     "She's on the move," Mori said into his earpiece, watching Reiko walk down the hallways.

     Honey walked out into the corridor to follow her, but the dark-haired male pulled him back behind the column they'd been using as cover.

     That movement, however, had not gone unnoticed by their target. After glancing behind her and seeing the edge of the shadow behind one of the decorative marble columns, Reiko was certain that someone was following her. Her heart hammered in her chest as her mind raced to think of a plan. Her father's head of security had instructed her on how to react when she was being followed out in public, but they'd never addressed the possibility of her being stalked at school.

     She took a deep breath. "Let's calm down. It probably works in my favor if they continue thinking I don't know anything. Once I get to the library I can ask someone for help."

     When the silver-haired teen entered the library, she sighed in relief. Even though there weren't many people around, the library was sitting behind her desk and keeping watch over everything that was going on. Glancing down at her phone, she saw that her security guard had answered that he was on his way along with her father's publicist and would arrive within the hour.

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