Chapter 52

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     Kyoya and Reiko didn't speak to each other the entire weekend. They weren't angry with each other, but now that their marriage discussion had "failed" there was no reason to reach out unless they had to talk about the Host Club. They had taken care of everything relating to the club's activities before midterms; now, there was nothing more to say.

     It wasn't as if Rieko had the time to call him even if there was something to talk about. Ever since her father had made the unanticipated decision to have her and Metori Saiko meet and get to know each other, she and her father's PR team had been racing to make the necessary preparations. Getting approval, selecting a restaurant, staging cameras, and arranging for coincidental witnesses to spread the word was no easy feat, especially when Jiro Ishikawa had demanded everything be set up for that very Monday. His intention was to show Yoshio Ootori that the Ishikawas did not need a partnership with his family. Jiro had his choice of suitors for his only daughter, suitors whose families could benefit the Ishikawas much more than the Ootori's.

     Among other things, Reiko was instructed not to tell Kyoya she was going on a date before Monday. The less time he and his father had to prepare a counterattack, the better their plan would work. Though she would never express as much to her father, the silver-haired teen was not as comfortable with the plan as she let on. Whether it was because she considered Kyoya a friend or simply didn't like being a pawn in her father's game, Reiko was far happy to be forced on a date with the Saiko family's only son.

     The only person she felt comfortable voicing her displeasure to was her Dad. Even if Isuka wouldn't know how to help her navigate the politicking of high society, he could at least listen as his daughter vented her frustrations.

     Sitting on a chair on the balcony, Reiko looked over the estate's gardens and fountains while she dialed his number.

     "'Bout time you called me. I was starting to think you'd forgotten about your old man," Isuka's voice spoke as soon as he picked up.

     "Sorry Dad," she said honestly. "Things have been hectic that past couple of weeks. After Renge left we had midterms then Father wanted me to attend a business meeting of sorts."

     "Your father told me about the meeting. He's setting up your arranged marriage, isn't he? Did it go well?"

      "No it was a complete disaster," she sighed.

     "Seriously?" Isuka asked, shocked. In the years he'd known Jiro Ishikawa he'd never heard of him failing in a business deal.

     "Completely, he's trying to pressure them into accepting our terms... long story short I've got a date with Metori Saiko tomorrow evening."

     "Isn't it better this way? You and Kyoya weren't on speaking terms."

     "Actually, he apologized and we've reconciled."

     "Reconciled huh? So you two are friends again. Damn, you really have been busy this week. So... Metori Saiko... what's he like?"

     Reiko scowled. "From what I know about him, the only thing he has going for him is his fortune," she summarized.

     "That bad, huh?"

     "My only consolation is that Father still intends to have me engaged with Kyoya. This is just a manipulation tactic to get them to concede to our own terms."

     "Does Saiko know about this? I don't feel comfortable with you leading a guy on to trick someone else. You could hurt his feelings."

     "He doesn't know, but I doubt that would be an issue. According to my research, he's in love with a girl from his class. We'll pretend to like each other over dinner for two hours then we'll go home and insist we're not compatible."

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