Chapter 49

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     Seeing as the idea of her and Kyoya's marriage was starting to become a reality, Reiko knew it would be best if the two of them talked about it before their families entered official discussions. Jiro Ishikawa wasn't the type to waste time, so when he'd said that he would contact Yoshio soon, the silver-haired teen knew to expect him to send an email by the end of the week. That meant she needed to approach Kyoya by the end of the day so that if there were any personal conditions they could have them resolved by the weekend. It was far from an ideal timeline, especially since midterms began that day, but there was nothing to be done.

     Walking into class the next morning, Reiko didn't intend to bring the matter up immediately so they could concentrate on their exams. She did, however, want to at least tell Kyoya that she wanted to talk to him so that he made sure to make time for her in his schedule that day.

     As always, Kyoya sat at his desk his pencils and erasers were all neatly aligned to the side so he could grab them easily when the test started. As she got closer, she noticed that something seemed off about him. He seemed a bit paler than usual; his eyes were shut tightly, and his lips had twisted into a grimace like he was in pain.

     Frowning slightly as she approached him, she gently placed a hand on his arm to get his attention. "Kyoya, are you alright?" she asked keeping her voice low.

     At the contact, the male slowly opened his eyes. He looked at her for a moment, the obvious irritation in his eyes at being disturbed fading slightly. "I'm quite alright," he sighed.

     "You're lying," she countered, her grey irises piercing as she looked over him.

     "If that's what you wish to believe go ahead," he clipped. If it weren't for the splitting headache Kyoya was currently nursing, he might've felt guilty about being so short with the teen. The headache was likely a consequence of his blood pressure being low. It happened often and although he could usually get through the day by simply drinking more water and increasing his sodium intake, he'd opted to skip breakfast that morning in favor of doing a last-minute review of the first exam making his headache that much worse.

     Not wanting to argue when he was clearly unwell, Reiko retreated to her seat and brought out a singular pencil- the only item she would need to complete their midterms.

     Even in his state, her lack of response called his attention. He knew he'd been rude to her and he knew Reiko was the type to bring such shortcomings to his attention. Wondering why she'd left quietly he glanced to the side. She quietly sat at her desk, not making any effort to speak with anyone as she stared out the window. She'd taken out a single pencil and was waiting patiently for the bell to ring so the instructor could hand out their exams.

     As if feeling his gaze on her, she turned around. When their eyes met the indignance he'd expected was nowhere to be found. Instead, the silver-haired teen tilted her head to the side and searched his face as though she could figure out what was wrong if she looked at him long enough.

     The bell rang, indicating that classes were starting. The pair looked away, their eyes snapping to the professor as she began standing up from her desk to begin the exam. After a brief reminder to read directions carefully and that cheating was forbidden, she passed out the tests and told them they had three hours to finish.

     The only sound in the classroom were those of pencil tips as they scratched against their papers. Kyoya focused all of his energy on completing the test in front of him and did his best to ignore the pounding in his head that was only getting worse as time went on. In his opinion, a headache was no excuse to lose against Reiko Ishikawa. He'd promised himself that this time he would place first and would not allow himself to be the reason for his own failure.

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