Chapter 31

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     The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, providing a lovely contrast against the bright blue sky that afternoon. Unfortunately, Reiko hadn't really been able to enjoy looking at them as she was too busy making sure everything was going smoothly. The flower viewing ceremony was that day, and though Reiko had rearranged her appointments so that she had nothing else to do, she spent most of the day setting up the landscaping, laying out the blankets, and the tea ceremony stations so the garden looked its best. She hadn't sat down once; even after the event had started, she'd continued to rotate between the groups and make everyone was taken care of as well as helping Kyoya promote the club's photobooks (that month's promotional item).

     The silver-haired teen sighed as she walked back out to the garden. The ceremony had ended, and Reiko had to escort all the ladies back inside and hand out all the photobooks that had been purchased.

     "Rei-chan! Over here!" Honey exclaimed from a blanket just beneath a large cherry blossom tree.

     Waving back in acknowledgment, she made her way toward the group and sat in the empty space between Kyoya and Honey-senpai. Once she was comfortable, Kyoya handed her a cup of tea which she quietly thanked him for before turning her attention to the interaction between Haruhi and the twins.

     Hikaru had wrapped an arm around the brunette's shoulders while his brother took her hand in his. The lady seemed to be completely oblivious to the contact despite Tamaki making a fuss about it behind them.

     "So, Haruhi, have you decided on your elective classes for this term?" Hikaru asked.

     "How about conversational French?" Kaoru asked.

     Haruhi sighed. "I don't know..."

     "I think the three of us should take it together," Hikaru suggested. "It makes perfect sense."

     Reiko chuckled at the smug looks the twins gave Tamaki. "We are in the same class," they said.

     Tamaki crouched on the floor and picked at the grass dejectedly. "Say, mommy dear?"

     Kyoya sighed and handed his black notebook to the girl next to him, silently gesturing to continue filling out the observation chart he'd outlined there. "What is it now, Daddy?" he asked amusedly.

     "I have a new theory," the blonde started. "I mean, it's just my hypothesis, but it seems that by being in the same class, Hikaru and Kaoru are able to spend more time with Haruhi then I get to here at the club! This gives them the chance to get close to her, and if that happens-"

     "Tamaki," he interrupted. "You just now realized that?"

     Tamaki flinched as though his best friend had just slapped him.

     Seeing the male so shocked, Kyoya sighed and brought out a chart. "According to my research, in a single day, the twins spend roughly nine hours of class time with Haruhi. Meanwhile, your contact with her is limited to a couple of hours of club activities. In other words, your involvement in Haruhi's life each day amounts to no more than a mere three percent. I'm so very sorry."

     Tamaki fell to the ground dramatically before getting back up. "AHH I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT! I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!" he shouted before running towards Haruhi and grabbing her roughly. "Listen Haruhi, I want you to stop hanging out with those shady twins from now on!" he told her

     Reiko sighed at the commotion and turned to Kyoya. "Was it really necessary to be so honest with him? You knew he wouldn't take the news well."

     "How could I possibly lie to our club's king?" Kyoya asked before shuffling closer to her to look over at what she was writing in his notebook.

     "Yes, that's it!" Tamaki exclaimed, coming up with a plan. "Alright then, we can't go on hiding the fact that you're a girl from everyone in the school any longer! All Daddy wants is for you to go back to being the girl you used to be! For you to surround yourself with girlfriends and start leading a wholesome life!" he whined, crying again.

     Haruhi cringed at his behavior. "Who're you calling Daddy?"

     The blonde hadn't heard her, though, and grabbed her by the shoulders once more. "So do it! Change back now! Change right now!"

     Hikaru shook his head. "You don't have to rush things; she's going to be found out soon enough."

     "Physical exams are the day after tomorrow," Kaoru explained.

     "Physical exams?" Reiko and Haruhi echoed.

     Kyoya looked up from the notebook. "That's right, I forgot all about it."

     Haruhi blinked. "Then that means, there's no doubt... they're gonna know, I'm really a girl."

     The hosts were shocked by the realization, the only exception was Tamaki who had fallen into a daydream and was creepily smiling at Haruhi. Suddenly snapping out of it a few minutes later, he smirked at Hikaru as though he had just beaten him at something.

     "Envious Hikaru? This is all part of my strategy. While you've wasted time blinded by your jealousy, I've foreseen the outcome of this charade," he began. "This anime is obviously a romantic school comedy! Haruhi and I are the main characters, so that means we are love interests."

     The twins narrowed their eyes at the blonde. "Yeah? Then what are we?"

     "You boys," he exclaimed, pointing to the five male members of the host club, "are the homosexual supporting cast, so please make sure that you don't step across this line," he said, drawing an imaginary line in the ground.

     Letting the others deal with that dilemma for the moment, the silver-haired teen turned to Kyoya. "What are physical exams like at Ouran?" she asked. she'd been homeschooled during middle school, and the last time she'd gotten a physical exam done was in elementary.

     "They're no different from any other school, I imagine. It's mostly a formality, given that most students have their own family doctors. This year the doctors being used are all staffed at the Ootori family's hospitals, so there's nothing to worry about. I will take care of everything.

     "Hey listen boss," Hikaru started. It seemed that Tamaki hadn't figured out the reality of Haruhi's situation if no one stepped in.

     "I don't think you get it," Kaoru told him.

     "If word get out that Haru-chan is really a girl, then she won't be able to be in the host club anymore!" Honey wailed as he hugged Usa-chan for comfort.

     Tamaki paled at the realization.

     "But if Haru-chan started wearing girls' clothes, I bet she'd be even cuter than she is now," the third year offered.

     "She dressed like a regular girl when she was in middle school, right? She must've been pretty popular with all the boys," Hikaru pointed out.

     Kyoya nodded in agreement. "Yes, according to my investigative report, someone would declare their undying love to her at least once a month."

     "Oh, I see, so the boss wouldn't even be able to get close to her," Kaoru said.

     His brother smirked in triumph. "But we'd be able to because we're in class with her all day long."

     Tamaki's eyes widened, and he launched himself at the brunette. "Don't you worry Haruhi! We're determined to keep your secret, no one will find out that you're really a girl during tomorrow's physical exams! So please promise you'll stay our beloved secret princess!" he exclaimed.

     Having only paid half attention to the conversation, she blinked at the second year's declaration. "Sure." She answered.

     "You know what?" Hikaru started. "I think both of us would be a little peeved if we had to watch all the guys flirt with her."

     "Then that settles it," Kaoru decided.

     Now excited with the decision that a plan would be made, Tamaki dragged a whiteboard to the group and began drawing on it.

We Are the Sons and Daughters - Kyoya x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ