Chapter 16

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     After Kyoya scolded the rest of the club members for forgetting about them and leaving them locked in a closet for an hour. Fortunately for them, it was a very light scolding since the raven-haired male wasn't at all angry with them. After all, it was due to the hosts' involvement that Reiko and Kyoya could agree and resolve the situation so that everything could return to normal. The silver-haired teen would never admit it, but she too was grateful to the boys; Kyoya had agreed to stop investigating her private life.

     Although things at Ouran Academy were peaceful, something had changed in both the Host Club's and Reiko's environment: each other. Now that she was no longer wary of her classmate's intentions and her relationship with the other members had improved, Reiko felt more comfortable spending time with the Host Club. While her visits were not frequent, it was not entirely uncommon to see her sitting at an empty table after escorting Ayame. Occasionally she would help Haruhi with her homework or do her own. Sometimes she would get herself a cup of tea or chat with an unoccupied host.

     That particular day, Reiko sat at Kyoya's table. She was finishing an essay that was due the next day for her literature class and did not want to put it off any longer. The raven-haired male sat across the table from her as he worked on his laptop. He frowned as he stared at an email from his usual printing company, an email saying that they would be closed the day he needed five hundred fliers delivered to the club room. The Host Club was planning on doing a Grecian Empire-themed day and needed as many people as possible to come and partake in watching the performance of a Greek tragedy.

     Reiko's gaze flicked toward her dark-haired acquaintance, and immediately noted the displeased look on his face. "Is something that matter?"

     He glanced at her, and their eyes met for a brief moment before he returned his gaze to his laptop. "The company the club usually contracts to print advertisements will be unable to deliver the flyers I ordered. We needed those by the end of the week for our Greek Tragedy event," he sighed.

     Seeing the male's clear frustration, Reiko felt sorry for him. She knew Kyoya worked hard as the only one managing the club's events and understood how problematic these situations could be. "I can take care of that if you'll let me." Her eyes widened as soon as the words left her mouth. She hadn't thought about it before she'd offered to help.

     "Oh? And what inspired this benevolent act of charity?" he asked, pushing his glasses up with his nose.

     Reiko raised an eyebrow, recovering her expression quickly. "Can one not be benevolent for benevolence's sake?"

     "I suppose so... but how am I to know if that is a principle that applies to you?"

     "Now's your chance to find out, though if it's not something you're interested in, I'll wish you luck in finding someone else who's willing to help."

     Kyoya thought for a moment. "Very well then," he said, handing her the USB containing the flyer. "We will be in your care."

     Reiko's eyes glittered energetically. It had been a while since her father had involved her in any company projects, so she was grateful that Kyoya had given her the opportunity to work on something.

     The raven-haired teen regarded her carefully. Once again, he'd been able to witness the female make a new expression; usually, her eyes only sparkled like that when she was determined to win a contest or beat him in a test and didn't come with the satisfied smile she was wearing now.

     "Shall we exchange numbers then? We could communicate should any complications arise."

     Reiko raised an eyebrow. "You already have my number," she told him.

     "I was referring to your personal number," he clarified, knowing that she had two.

     The silver-haired teen frowned. Hadn't they passed this stage already? "Seeing as we already have a direct line of communication established, I don't think it's necessary, do you?"

     "I suppose it's not," he agreed.

     "Though I doubt greatly I'll need to, I'll be sure to contact you if there are any issues. I can also update you regularly if you wish."

     "I would appreciate that. Thank you."

     Reiko nodded, and the two settled into an almost comfortable silence for a while longer. Each of them minded their own business until she finished her assignments.

     Kyoya watched her as she left. Her movements were so graceful that it seemed that she was floating instead of walking. If someone were to notice him, they would think he was admiring her.

     Despite agreeing that exchanging private numbers was unnecessary, Kyoya wanted hers. Obviously, it was for a purely professional reason. Reiko was, after all, his classmate, and now the fate of the club was resting in her hands. Shouldn't he have a second way of contacting her as a contingency? As long as he didn't try to trace the number it wouldn't infringe her privacy.

     So, when club activities ended for the day, Kyoya approached Haruhi; the only person he knew for certain had her personal number.

     "Haruhi, may I see your phone for a moment?" he asked.

     The brunette raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "Why?"

     "There's just something I would like to check about the software. May I?" he asked.

     She sighed and placed the device in his palm.

     Kyoya fought back a victorious smirk as he stared at the ten-digit number code under Reiko Sakamoto's name in her contacts list. He quickly and discreetly added the number to his own phone before returning the cell phone to its owner.

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