Chapter 51

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     After leaving the office when her meeting had ended, Reiko did not call Kyoya as he'd requested. It wasn't that she'd forgotten to do so, but rather that she'd decided not to. Right now, Kyoya was most likely with their fathers, making small talk with them before moving on to the discussion they'd come for. If she called him, the Ootori family could use it to imply that she and Kyoya were already emotionally involved, and it leveraged their engagement conditions to her father.

     Although it didn't appear so due to his personality, Jiro Ishikawa was a man who doted on his daughter. If he thought she had already developed feelings for the Ootori boy, the two surely would've been engaged already.

     Rather than call Kyoya, Reiko called the Den Restaurant in Shibuya where her father and the Ootori's were meeting to request that a staff member pass a note about her arrival to her father.

     Kyoya who had been quietly listening to the conversation between his father and Mr. Ishikawa, was the first to notice the waitress standing behind the door to the private room they were in. He silently motioned her to come inside. It wasn't as though they conversation they were currently having was confidential.

     "Pardon the interruption, sirs," the waitress said entering the room.

     Yoshio and Jiro stopped conversing.

     "I have a message for Mr. Ishikawa," she said approaching the older man.

     "Yes? What is it?"

     The waitress passed along a note before bowing and excusing herself once more.

     "It seems my daughter will, in fact, be joining us. Reiko will be arriving shortly," he explained to the two gentlemen.

     Yoshio nodded in approval. "It's good that she will be able to attend."

     Kyoya looked down. Hadn't he specifically requested that Reiko contact him once she'd finished her meeting? He briefly considered the possibility of her simply forgetting but disregarded it almost immediately. She wasn't the type. His eyes twitched in annoyance as he realized that she'd completely ignored his instructions. "I suppose I'll have to discuss with her later," he thought.

     "Kyoya, why don't you receive Reiko at the door?" Jiro suggested.

     "Yes, a lady should have a proper escort," his father agreed.

     He looked between the two men for a moment before nodding and standing up. He'd quickly pieced together that they were going to begin discussing the real objective of the night's meeting and it wasn't a conversation they wanted him to be privy to. Quietly, he excused himself and exited the private room to wait for Reiko in the restaurant's reception area.

     Fortunately, Kyoya didn't have to wait too long before a familiar black limousine pulled up right at the entrance. The raven-haired male quickly descended the steps and intercepted the man he recognized to be Reiko's chauffer.

     "Good evening young master Kyoya," the man said, bowing in greeting.

     He nodded. "Please allow me," he said gesturing to the car door.

     "As you wish, sir," the driver said.

     Kyoya opened the door and offered his hand to the silver-haired female who was already starting to climb out of the vehicle.

     Reiko thanked him as she placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her out of the vehicle. He closed the car door behind them before offering her his arm.

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