Chapter 5

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     Although having a plan made Reiko feel somewhat better, there was a lingering bitterness that continued to hold onto her. However, as she got closer to home, even that began to fade and was replaced with longing to see her dad and her brother when she walked through the door.

     Reiko's past had always been complicated. She'd known it from the moment her Dad- Isuka Sakamoto- told her she was adopted. He'd had a sad and wistful expression on his face when he'd told her, like the memory of taking her in pained him. It was an expression she would come to understand years later.

     The car stopped in front of a house on the corner of the street. It was a small family home; it just barely fit her and her dad, but it was her childhood home, and she had nothing but fond memories.

     "Will you be spending the night, Miss?" her driver asked.

     Reiko shook her head. "No, I'll be having a meeting with the lawyers this evening. Please pick me up after dinner time," she requested.

     The man nodded, and as soon as she had slid out of the car, he drove away. The silver-haired teen didn't waste time in grabbing her keys from her bag and unlocking the front door.

     Isuka Sakamoto had been going over the expense report for the small bar he owned by the train station when he heard the front door open. Knowing that no one else had a key to get in, he quickly stood up from his chair to meet his daughter, whom he saw much too little of.

     "Rei, that you?" he called out. When he walked into the entryway he saw the silver-haired teen dropping her bag by the door and kicking her shoes off.

     "Yeah, I'm home," she grunted as she neatly fixed her shoes by the door. "Did you have dinner already?" she asked.


     "If not I can make something-"


     "Or we can order pizza?-"

     "Rei-" Isuka interrupted, putting his hands on the teen's shoulders.

     "What?" she asked.

     "What are you doing here?" he asked. It wasn't that he didn't want his daughter to visit- he did- but her father's publicist had explained that she shouldn't come by for the next few months until the announcement of her succession was made.

     "You said I could visit whenever I wanted to," she said.

     "I did say that. And I am very happy to see you right now. But I also know Mr. Ishikawa postponed visiting until the big announcement. I just don't want either one of us to get in trouble. Does he know you're here?" he asked.

     Reiko sighed. There were times when she wished Isuka wasn't so scared of her biological father. Jiro Ishikawa really wasn't as terrifying as he seemed, he was stoic, but he wasn't unreasonable and was surprisingly empathetic. Her adoptive Dad, of course, had trouble seeing it that way, he would always see Jiro as someone with the power to completely take Reiko out of his life. All it would take was one phone call to make it happen.

     "No, and it's unlikely he'll find out any time soon. I doubt Kaori and Ryu will say anything unless they're in the mood to make a mess of things," she told him, crossing her arms.

     Isuka frowned. "Did something happen?"

     At the question, Reiko's expression darkened considerably, and her grey irises seemed to glow silver as she recalled her anger.

     "Some kids at school assaulted me."

     The red-haired man's eyes widened. "What? Are you kidding me? You're not hurt are you?" He asked, his eyes frantically looking her over to check for injuries. His eyes almost immediately spotted the red rings of irritated skin around her wrists from when she was bound to the chair. "You've got some rope burn- Did they tie you up?!" He asked, shocked.

     "It's a long story," she admitted.

     Isuka sighed and nodded. "You can tell me about it while I patch you up. Just give me a second," he said, and before Reiko could protest, he'd jogged to the bathroom to come out moments later with a plastic first aid box in hand. Quickly he made his way back to his daughter and led her to sit down on the floor while he put ointment on and dressed her wounds.

     "It was Kyoya Ootori and his friends," she told him.

     "Ootori... isn't he the boy you're always competing with at school?" he asked.

     Reiko nodded. She had mentioned him a couple of times over the months whenever she told him about how she was doing at school. "He's got this creepy hobby of investigating every student at the academy and compiling all his research. Apparently, he tried to find information on me, and when he couldn't he and the rest of his friends followed me around for the day to see what I was up to. I spent the whole day feeling like I was being watched. And when I caught one of them following me I just happened to approach one of their other club members- a bystander- and they attacked me! Some third years tackled me to the ground and paraded me around half the building tied to a chair like some savage! It was humiliating! Then they had the gall to interrogate me under the ludicrous notion that I was an American spy spying on the Japanese government."

     Isuka blinked a couple of times, the ridiculousness of the story registering quickly. "They attacked you because they thought you were a spy?" he asked incredulously.

     "Honestly that's a minor detail. Only one of them truly believed that nonsense- but he's an idiot- the others I'm sure were doing so out of curiosity, but they took it much too far. I won't stand for being made a mockery of. Especially not from Kyoya Ootori. God, he's such a jackass!" she cursed.

     "Language," Isuka chided as he finished wrapping her second wrist. "So, what are you going to do? Are you going to report them to the school board? Do you need a parent to come in?" he asked.

     Reiko shook her head. "No. Unfortunately, one of those idiots is the son of the school's chairman, and I have no intention of bringing up a case only for it to get swept under the rug. Originally I was going to file a lawsuit for bodily injury from assault, but when I spoke with Kaori about it she told me it was a bad idea."

     "Why? I think it's well deserved," Isuka grunted.

     "Since the students are members of influential families, it's likely that news of the case would leak out..."

     "And expose your identity." Her dad finished.

     She nodded. "Right, and Father can't interfere because it would make a bad impression on the board members. So, I've decided to go a more subtle route. I've got a meeting with the lawyers tonight; I'm going to have them write up a court summons notice. Naturally, it'll be a false one since I can't actually take them to court, but in the meantime, I'll get to enjoy their fear and its climax to panic when they receive a false court summons they think is real."

     Isuka stared at his daughter. As far as "revenge plans" went, it was pretty tame on the surface, but Reiko had a disturbing way of playing with people's minds. She was angry today, but even then, she recognized the stupidity of the situation. He hoped that no one ever pushed her past her limits because there would surely be hell to pay then.

     "Well, at least you know what you're doing. You sure trying to get back at those kids won't backfire on you? You said they were from pretty powerful families," he pointed out.

     The silver-haired teen scoffed. "Their families don't even compare. They'd probably shit themselves if they found out who I really was."

     Isuka chuckled and shook his head. Ruffling his daughter's hair he sat back. "Well, you're a big girl now. I'm sure you've got it all under control."

     Reiko's lip twitched into a small smile. "Yeah. I'll take care of it," she assured him.

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