1. "There is no happily ever after"

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Taylor Swift - Love story

I was always told that I should not go beyond the borders that separate the town from the woodland, all the children in town were told not to.

We were told stories of people who went into the woods and never came out, I've always been so curious about what lies beyond the border but I will never cross it.

Mom told us that she once went out there when she was young, but dad saved her, from what? We don't know, nobody knows. Nobody knows that she left except for Aiden, Anna and me.

Anna, my sister who is two years older than me, she looks more like dad and I look more like mom, Anna has dark brown hair while mine is black, she is tanned and I am pale, some people described my skin as white as winter, my lips as red as blood, and my hair as dark as night. Like the tale of the girl who ate a poisoned apple, hoping for love.

I was told by many that when I grow up I'll be the most beautiful girl in the land, I obviously didn't believe them, they're many girls out there who are beautiful.

Aiden is my brother, we the same age, not twins, mom and dad adopted Aiden, his biological mother gave him to mom and dad when he was only a one year old boy, then she took off. It's sad that he never really knew her.

Dad was killed when he went out to get wood, he was the only one ever allowed to cross the border because he was the only hunter in town, I miss him so much and that's why I will never cross the border, my curiosity grows every day, but I won't cross, afraid that what happened to my father would happen to me.

"Fare, Fare. Hello Farren!" Anna waves her hand in my face.

"Oh sorry, what were you saying?" she rolls her eyes "Mom wants us inside, now" I follow her down the stoned path that leads up to our house.

Mom is leaning against the kitchen counter, holding a cup of tea, she takes a step back and gives me a stern look "You were supposed to be inside half an hour ago Farren"

"I know mom, I'm sorry" I apologize and lower my head. Ever since dad died, mom has become a bit more uptight. We have to be inside at a certain time, we can't go out to the field, but I don't blame her, dad meant everything to her and she lost him.

"Where's Aiden?" I ask looking around for him.

"He's staying at Cam for the night" Anna answers my question.

We ate, brushed our teeth, and got ready for bed after Mom's long lecture about staying out late and not going beyond the border. I love her, I really do, but it's becoming a bit annoying, hearing the same thing over and over.

Anna and I share a room, she climbs into her bed which is next to mine, our walls are a light shade of pink which Anna chose since it's her favorite color, I prefer red. Her side is all girly and soft, while my side is a bit different.

"Mom?" I call out to mom before she leaves "Yes Fare"

"Can you tell us a story, please?" I pout, giving her puppy eyes.

Before dad died he would tell us stories, sometimes stories from books, but most of the time made up stories. He always said 'Without imagination, you'll see the world as a dull place' and the funny thing is that no matter how much stories he told, I still couldn't look at the world as though it was at it's best.

She seats herself at the edge of my bed and Anna rushes over to sit next to me. "Once there was a King named Axel. He was a terrible man, he hurt people when he felt like it, he killed with no mercy, no guilt, until he met her."

It's always a girl or boy. She was locked in a tower, but *he* saved her. He was cursed, but *her* kiss turned him back into a prince. I've never heard a story where she saves herself, or where the prince doesn't go looking for a princess. But I'm just a child, what do I know?

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