7. "I'm a werewolf"

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Khalid - Lovely


Anna drops to her knees crying, he looks at her, and then he looks at me with wide eyes, tears start to drop from his eyes.

I run up to him and jump into his arms "Aiden" I say in a quavering voice

"Farren" he pulls away and takes my face in his hands "What are you doing here?"

"You said if something goes wrong I should look in your journal. We found your bag and there was a note in the back of your journal. You were calling for help, so I came to find you" he looks confused "My bag went missing" he tells me "I never sent any note"

That does not make any sense, how did the bag get there? Who called for help?

He walks to Anna and pulls her off the floor and into his arm, she sobs in his shoulder and he rubs her back "It's okay, I'm here" he tells her.

Axel, Raphael, and Lila stare at us, shocked, Aiden looks at me again "If I never send the note, then who did?" I shrug with a frown.

"Aiden, you know these girls?" Raphael asks him and he nods "Yes Alpha, they are my sisters"

Raphael looks confused for a second then something clicks him "The family you were staying with?" and Aiden nods.

"Aiden what are you doing here?" Anna asks, he looks at Raphael and then back to us.

"We'll let you talk," Lila says and they leave, now it's just Aiden, Anna, and me "Come, let's walk"

We walk into the garden and Aiden starts his story "Do you remember mom told us about how my mother crossed the border?" Anna and I nod "When my mother left she got a bit lost and that's when my father found her. Supernatural creatures are real," he tells us

"Wait so Stefan, Damon, and Klaus are real?" Aiden raises his brows at Anna "No" the smile falls from her face "But people like them do exist" he explains

"Anyway back to the story. It turns out that my father was my mother's mate, a few months later she found out she was pregnant with me. Everything was going great, but when I was born she found out what my father was, so she left. She managed to get through the borders of our town to hand me over to mom and dad" a sad expression take over his face "She knew she was going to be killed" I put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. We stop walking and he turns to us "I'm a werewolf. That day I spoke to you and showed you how I broke that glass, I now know how I did that. I spoke to my father, he's a nice person, he's the beta of one of the four kingdoms"

Anna is so confused "What glass? What's a beta? What's a mate?" she asks

"I'll explain later," I tell her, already knowing the answers to those questions.

"I know it's a lot to take in"

It exists, it's real. All this time is that why they kept us within the borders.

We walk back into the room and Aiden speaks to Raphael and Axel, it looks like they all agree on something. They look at Anna and I "Okay so we not going to kill you because you are family to Aiden, but we also not going to let you go. You will stay here" Axel tells us.

No, this is not what I planned. We were supposed to find Aiden and go back home.

"We can't stay, what about mom?" I ask Aiden "It's not my choice Fare"

"Look, you have two options. You can stay or we kill you" Axel says.

Anna starts crying again "Stop crying" Axel growls

I lower my head "We'll stay" I say softly, not wanting to die

"My men will take you to the packhouse, you will stay there, my wife will see you tomorrow to discuss your role in the pack"

"But we're human"

"I know that. You will be staying here, but you won't be part of the pack"

Aiden hugs Anna and me and says he'll see us tomorrow, a guard walks us out of the castle and to the buildings outside the castle walls. We arrive at a mansion, it's not as beautiful as the castle, but it's better than any of the houses back home.

Home. How I miss home.

He shows Anna to her room then he shows me mine, it's simple, but way bigger than my room back home.

I took a shower and walked into the closet that is filled with clothes, I get dressed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, I get into bed with the intention of sleeping, but a knock at the door stops me. I answer the door to find Anna on the other side "Hey" I motion for her to come in and she does.

She sits on my bed "Life took a turn, huh" she lightly laughs

"Yeah it did" I sit next to her, she looks at my clothes "Were you gonna sleep?"

I nod "I was kinda tired"

"Sorry if I disturbed" she gets up to leave "No wait. Stay" she stops

"It feels strange sleeping in a room, in a house full of people you don't know, doesn't it?"

"It does," I tell her

"What was Aiden talking about earlier? You know with the glass and mates" I sigh and explain everything. I tell her how I knew Aiden left, why he left, and about the book, I found in the library.

The two of us talk until Anna falls asleep, I stare at the ceiling.

None of this would've happened if I just listened and didn't let Aiden leave. I know it wouldn't change him being who he is, but we all would've been at home, I know how much Aiden wanted to know who his father was, and I get how selfish I sound right now.

Aiden is a wolf, Anna and I are stuck in this place, they don't want us to leave and mom is probably so worried.

But why, oh why does it feel like things are going to get so much worse?


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Love ya, hugs and Oreo's


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