2. "Something happened last night"

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Camila Cabello - Never Be The Same

6 years later

I sprint as quickly as I can, my feet making contact with the leaves on the ground, turning my head every five seconds when I collide with a chest and land on my butt "Ow" I groan looking up at the owner of the hard chest "How did you get here so fast?"

He chuckles and extends his hand for me to take "What can I say, I'm awesome" I take his hand and he pulls me up.

I roll my eyes and dust the leaves off my clothes "Whatever"

His phone rings and shoves his hands into his pocket to pull it out, with a sigh he switches it off and I frown "Who was it?" his electric blue eyes meet my light brown ones, the sadness in his eyes is evident, he puts his phone back in his pocket and runs a hand through his light brown hair.

"Sarah," he says, I take a few steps and hug him, I tap his back lightly trying to comfort him.

Aiden and Sarah were together, mom, Anna, and I never liked her, but Aiden did so we let him be happy, but that was until Anna saw Sarah and Cam together, Aiden and Cam were good friends so it really hurt him.

It turns out Cam was only using Sarah and now she wants Aiden back, which is why she's calling him, begging him to take her back, Aiden obviously refused, as much as he wanted to he didn't, he was stupid, but not that stupid.

He hugs me back and pulls away "I'm okay Fare" he gives me a small sad smile.

"Ohh, I have an idea that'll make you happy" I smile widely, he raises a brow and smiles, I point at him "You can buy me food" I tell him happily and his smile drops "No" he refuses.

I pout "What do you mean no?" I ask him, disappointed.

"I said what I mean and I mean what I said"

"Nooooo Aiden!" I stomp my foot like a five-year-old child.

"You have your own money Fare" he crosses his arms and complains.

"Please, pretty please, you are my brother, it's your duty to buy food for me" I explain.

He mutters something under his breath "Fine let's go" my lips form a wide grin.

We walk down the path in comfortable silence and the McDonald's sign comes into view, we order and sit down.

Aiden and I are close, Anna is most of the time with her boyfriend and friends.

Mom is learning to love again, she had a really hard time when dad died and now she's opening up again.

I smile lightly "Penny for your thoughts" I look up at him.

"Do you think mom loves Jake?" I blurt out, he raises his brows "Where'd that come from?" he asks as he shoves fries into his mouth, I lean on my hand "I don't know, I just... I... I don't want her to forget about dad, but I want to see her laugh and be happy like when she was with dad" I tell him.

He sighs and leans forward "Listen Fare, I want mom to be happy too, but I don't think she can be as happy as she was with dad"

I lay my face on my arms "I know that" I say sadly "But what do you think of Jake?"

He thinks for a while "He can't replace dad, nobody can" he whispers the last part, I give him a smile and he returns it.

We eat and talk for some time then we get up to leave.


When we get home, mom is sitting on the couch with her phone in her hand glued to her ear, and whoever she's talking to is making her laugh, but when she notices Aiden and I she finishes with her call and walks over to hug the both of us.

We walk into the lounge "You look pretty happy today mom" Aiden finally speaks as he sits down across from mom, I take a seat next to mom, her smile widens and lifts her hand, a golden band with a diamond stone rests on the finger, my eyes almost pop out of my sockets, I lift my eyes to meet hers then I look at Aiden who has a shocked look on his face.

"M-mom?" I stutter and Aiden stands up, while tears are streaming down her face "Jake proposed" she says happily and I hug her tightly.

"I'm so happy for you mom," I tell her, Aiden walks over and hugs her after me.

"That's great mom," he says with a small smile, and mom's smile drops, she lifts her hand to his face and touches his cheek "Aiden, I know you not very happy about this, but he makes me happy"

Aiden bites his lip to stop himself from saying something and just nods with a smile and walks up to his room, I turn to mom "Don't worry about him, I'll talk to him, he'll come around"

"I just really like Jake," she says sadly, It's been so long since dad died and as much as I miss him, mom deserves to be happy, it's what he would've wanted, he would've wanted her to be happy.

"He thinks Jake will replace dad," I say softly, she sighs.

"Fare, I loved your father, I still do and nobody could ever replace him, he meant the world to me, but I really do want to be happy again"

"I know you do" Our conversation is cut short when Jake walks through the front door, I give him a small wave and smile "Hi Jake" he walks up to mom and me "Hey Fare"

"Congrats, you better take care of my mom," I say and he chuckles and kisses my mom's forehead "I promise"

They wanted to go somewhere so we bid our goodbyes and I walked upstairs, stopping in front of Aiden's, I knock twice I open the door when I hear a 'come in', he's sitting on his bed with his phone in his hand, I approach the bed and sit at the edge.

"Aiden..." I start, he shakes his head and throws his phone across the bed, I grab it before it falls over.

"Fare, don't" he warns.

"But mom loves him and he loves mom, you can't change that," I tell him and he lets out a bitter laugh, gets off his bed, and walks to the window leaning against the wall.

"No Fare, she loves dad, she's always loved dad" he states, getting upset.

"She wants to be happy and Jake isn't trying to replace dad"

"Yes he is!" he yells and I shift a bit, he puts his hands on his face and looks at me "Listen, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell I'm just upset" I stand up.

"Look, just give him a chance okay"

He stares at me and finally gives in "Okay, I'll try" I smile at him and turn to leave, but his voice stops me.

"Fare, wait" I tilt my head.

"Yea?" he walks over "You're my sister which means I can trust you right?" my brows furrow.

"Yea you can" he doesn't bother to hide the fear and worry in his eyes.

"Okay, something happened last night" he tells me and for some reason, anxiety stirs inside of me.



Okay so, Aiden is introduced for the first time.

What do you think he's going to tell her?

I wonder ;)

Vote 💖

Let me know your thoughts and comment

Love ya, hugs and Oreo's


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