10. "you'll be grey before you marry"

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Mimi Webb - Good without

I have to apologize to him for leaving all of a sudden. I get off my bed and head to the castle.

It's pretty late, it could be past seven, but I have to apologize, it was rude of me. The cool night breeze hits against my body and face, it blows through my hair and I stop for a moment, loving the feeling.

The sound of giggling makes me turn, I see a little girl and two people, must be her parents. The little girl is running away from her father who's trying to catch her, her mom is standing close by looking at the two of them. The man finally catches her and throws her in the air, her giggling and her parent's laughter is the only sound besides the sound of the wind.

I smile sadly at the happy family "Oh, dad. I wish you were here" I say softly.

I start walking again and I reach the castle "Hi. I'm here to see Raphael" I tell the man who's guarding the gate, it's not the same man that was there before.

"Your name?" He asks politely


He nods "Wait here"

The man disappears from sight and only returns after a few minutes.

"You can go in" I smile at him "Thank you" and he smiles back.

I walk across the bridge and into the courtyard, I notice a black Chevrolet Camaro ZL 1 2017 parked in front of one of the garages.

My dream car, but there was no way in this green and blue world mom would get me one. I wanna touch it, if I can't have one, I can at least touch one.


I'm here to talk to Raphael.

I sadly walk past the car and knock on the castle door. I doubt anyone would hear my knock since this place is huge.

The door is opened by a girl that could be younger than me. She's really pretty, she has silver eyes that hide behind blue-rimmed glasses and long curly brown hair, light freckles are sprinkled across the bridge of her nose. She's wearing blue jeans and an over sized sweater that falls on her small frame.

I smile and give her an awkward wave "Hi"

She gives me a smile that reaches her eyes "Hi! Can I help you?"

I bite my lip "Uh...yes. I'm looking for Raphael"

She gives me a sympathetic look "Listen, if Raphael hadn't called you back, it means he doesn't want you anymore. I'm so sorry, but you knew what you were getting into" I frown and then I realize what she means.

"No, no, no. It's not like that, I just need to speak to him that's all" I explain. I really hope he doesn't think I'm that type of girl. Someone who will fall at his feet like that.

"Mila who's at the door?" A new voice asks, it's definitely not Raphael or the King. A man appears next to the girl, who I'm assuming is Mila.

He's cute, he doesn't look like Raphael, but he has the same hair. He looks a bit younger than Raphael though.

Where are these gorgeous people coming from? The guys back home were good-looking, but not even close to this.

He has black pants and a white shirt that hugs his muscles, and a blue tie that hangs loosely around his neck.

My cheeks turns pink when I realize I've been staring.

He stares at me, sighs, and rubs his forehead "Is she River's or Raphael's?"

"She's looking for Raphael" The girl - Mila - tells him.

"You know what, I'm tired of chasing girls away from our door, Raph has to deal with this now," he says and steps aside "Come in"

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