18. "Please wake up"

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Avicii - Wake Me Up

Caelum's Pov

Who does she think she is?

Breaking my rules.

Nobody goes against me. Nobody!!

"Caelum!" I'm disrupted from my thoughts by a sickly sweet voice, I close my eyes and take a deep breath; I'm not in the mood for her right now.

She sits on my desk, flipping her blonde hair and batting her eyelashes.

"Get off!" I growl, she frowns and runs her fake nails down my arm "Come on Caelum" Her voice irritates me to no end.

"Get the hell off, now," I snarl as I pull my arm away from her and push her off the desk "Is this because of that girl," she snorts as she rolls her eyes "Do not speak of her. I told you, she's the Queen and you will show her respect"

"What is it that she gives you that I can't? I'd make a fantastic Queen" I grab her throat in one hand and sink my claws into her flesh, my wolf slowly surfacing, not liking the way she speaks of our mate, she gulps and gasps for air "Caelum... I can't...breath"

"You will loose your tongue next time, do you understand?" I growl, her blood begins to drip from the spot where my claws are.

'Kill her, now' my wolf growls.

'If she keeps this up I will', I tell him.

I let go of her and wipe the tips of my fingers clean of the blood, she collapses to the ground, clutching her throat, tears streaming from her eyes.

'Gideon' I call him through the mind link

'Yes Alpha?'

'Come to my office'

'Of course'

Brittany's blood soaks my carpet.


After a few moments Gideon enters "You wanted to see me Alpha"

"Yes, she should be taken to one of the cellars, she'll be there for two weeks , she won't go to the ball, and she'll only get one meal a day"

He nods and grabs her arm, pulling her out, but I stop them before they can leave "One more thing, she must come to my office at noon and clean the blood from the carpet, after that she will be returned"

"Of course"

They leave and I look at the carpet.


My ringing phone stops me from sitting down, I shove my hand into my pocket and pull my phone out.


"What?" I speak into my phone.

"Hello to you too" he says sarcastically "What do you want Caiden?"

"It's Farren" my heart rate picks up when he says her name "What about her?"

"She fainted"

"I'm on my way" I say and end the call.



'Get the jet ready'


I pack my belongings into a bag and dash downstairs, where I enter one of the cars "Airport," I say to the driver, who nods.

You can do this Caelum, you can do this, It's just a airplane.

A airplane that goes 42, 000 feet off the ground.

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