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They'd gotten most of the equipment back inside but there was still more to do in the outer fields. Despite the cold he liked this more than wrangling starving Talkers like the last time he'd been here and some of those Talkers like Joe and Alma turned out to be really nice people. He and Addy had wandered a bit further off heading for a plow that would hook up to the tractor. He went around the right to start to dig it out and Addy went around the left. When they'd cleared the snow from around it Addy left to go get more farmhands to help pull it into the barn.

That was when he heard the scream. It wasn't a high pitched shriek of terror, it sounded more like someone struggling. He looked up and saw that more of those frozen Z's had made their way through the snow and Addy was having trouble fighting all of them off. 10K quickly ran over and started using his handgun to mercy them since he'd left his rifle in the barn. When one got too close and got a good grip on him he wrestled it for a bit, trying to shove it off before its teeth could take a bite out of him. He didn't need to feel pain like that ever again.

"Addy!" he heard a shout but didn't know who's voice it was or what direction it had come from.

"10K!" he heard another call and knew that voice was Bailey's. He pushed at the zombie harder until it fell back into the snow and 10K brought up his left hand, still holding his gun, and shot the zombie in the head making a splatter of dark blood color the snow. He looked up and saw Addy backpedaling as a Z charged at her, she readied her Z Whacker and knocked the feet out from under the zombie before she brought her bat down on its face giving it mercy. When she did, the spikes went right through the Z's head cracking its skull and the ground below it. Then the cracks spread and Addy's eye widened. She had been backed up onto the frozen river.

The river provided irrigation to the farm and had been dried up last time they were there because of the attacks on the Waterkeepers. But since the dam was repaired the water had been flowing normally again which now made a hazard none of them had thought of and covered by the snow they hadn't even realized they were so close to it.

The cracking sound continued as Addy moved forward trying to get off the river quickly, but then it collapsed from under her and she fell into the freezing water. It wasn't deep enough to submerge her but the cold temperature would be enough to make her body go into shock which alone would be a big enough threat to her life. 10K ran for her and saw Bailey and Murphy coming up alongside him also running. Finn and a few others were further back and were rushing over too but Bailey, worried for her friend, was moving the quickest. 10K changed direction and ran for her instead, grabbing her and holding her back.

"Addy!" she shouted as Murphy charged forward and she struggled to get out of 10K's grip but he held onto her as she fought him. Murphy went right into the water, going in to above his knees and grabbed Addy, who was struggling among the large slabs of ice, and hauled her out onto the snow. Even from further away 10K could see she was shivering and only when she was out of the water did he let Bailey go and they ran over to help Addy. She was shaking from the cold and he helped Murphy grab her and they started moving her closer to the barn. Finn caught up with them and threw his coat over Addy to try and help keep in her body heat.

They got her into the barn and Finn took off her soaked clothes and replaced them with dry ones as the others started to pile blankets on top of her. She was still conscious which was good but she was shaking violently and her teeth were chattering so bad they were surprised they weren't chipping.


He'd been going through the old files he'd had on Hammond and the original Delta X-ray Delta team that had been charged with taking Murphy from New York to the CDC in California years ago. He hadn't seen this log since he'd cataloged Hammond's death and now he was going through it with a fine tooth comb. The members who seemed to have made the fake identities all had been assumed dead. Forrest, Jacob, and Justin had been marked as 'hostile fire' while Deric and Jesse were simply listed as 'unknown'. He was shocked to find out that wasn't the case at all. Instead it looked like they'd faked their deaths to get out of the mission and save themselves. Understandable, he shrugged, Murphy wasn't the easiest person to get along with or the most grateful person in the world. It wasn't a stretch to think that these members had thought it would be a better use of their time saving their own lives instead of the life of an ex-con. Not everyone had the dedication and loyalty that Roberta Warren had.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now